1150-Word Essay Examples. Page 9

3,931 samples

Preterm Birth and Hypothermia

The research points to the effectiveness of implementing plastic wrap interventions for reducing the occurrence of hypothermia in infants born preterm, although the long-term impact on mortality as well as the cost-effectiveness of this method [...]

The Concept of Corporate Governance

The definition of the concept of corporate governance, as well as the discussion of corporate governance mechanisms, are provided. Further, since the basic aspects of the concept of corporate governance and its importance for the [...]

Governance, Ethics and Law

It includes the rules for decision making and the measures permitted during the pursuit of the company's objectives, as well as the distribution of duties and permissions among employees. Factors that affect the results include [...]

Amazon’s Business Model

Benefits In terms of easy access, the website provides the customer with various categories of the products available that help the customer to easily search the product he or she needs from the department under [...]

The Passage of Galatians

The contextual background of Paul is associated with the ancient Christian tradition that is shared by the Orthodox and Catholic Churches - the authorship of fourteen letters in the New Testament to the apostle Paul.

Views on Nike Brand

It is no doubt that the origin of the brand name "Nike" has been a definition of Nike's ambition to be a big success and take the sporting industry by a storm.

Apple’s iPhone Supply Chain

For this reason, this paper is devoted to a comprehensive investigation of the supply chain for Apple's iPhone as a factor, as mentioned above, that contributes to the company's outstanding results.

Enron Management Practices’ Ethical Principles

According to Hendrikse & Hendrikse, code of ethics refers to "the business constitution that governs relationships and behaviour among the company, its directors, management and employees, and the inter-relationship among the company, shareholders, and business [...]

IKEA and the UN’s Global Compact

But in the 21st century many companies are aware that the bottom-line is not the only requirement to success, business organizations like IKEA must learn to develop sustainable practices that will benefit not only the [...]

IBM PC and Sony Walkman

Furthermore, the convenience of its size was unrivaled in the PC market. It was relatively easy to penetrate the market at the time because the Walkman was the first of its kind.

Starbucks Company’s Reasons for Success

Starbucks is committed to promoting ethical business practices and conserving the environment. The company seeks to maintain accuracy and truth in its dealings with government agencies in the countries in which it operates.

Wal-Mart Company Public Relation

Public relation is used to shed some truth and show compassion of the organization to the community and the environment at large. The jury also ruled that the company was liable for the payment of [...]

Food Safety and Regulations in China

Today, China, the world's largest food producer, has chosen the path to reforming domestic legislation in the field of food safety, by eliminating the contradictions between national standards and technical regulations for food production.

Aboriginal Education: Core Factors

As part of the government's efforts, Aboriginal communities were forced to relocate into reserves, and specific schools were opened to teach Aboriginal children. As a result, educational policies were designed to support the assimilation of [...]

Is There Such a Thing as Impressionism in Music?

The title of the cycle may also call into play the very process of reflecting and mirroring, both the "reflection" of moods in colors or sounds and a person's mirroring in social interaction, including feedback [...]