1250 Word Essay Examples + Topics for Papers

1,001 samples

Feeling uneasy about writing a 1250-word essay? No worries! It’s not as complicated as it seems. Yes, it’s pretty lengthy and takes up about 5 pages. But this length is also the golden mean that allows you to create a deep and thought-provoking piece without taking too much of your readers’ time.

Papers of this length are typically book reviews, research proposals, case studies, and analytical essays. If you’re writing any of these and need help figuring out what to do, our informative article is just what you need. Here, you will find a detailed explanation of how to write an A+ 1250-word essay and find inspiration in our collection of unique topics. There is nothing like a good example to kickstart the writing process, and our free essay database has plenty of them.

Ready? Let’s get started!

1001 Best Essay Examples on 1250 Words

Saint Augustine of Hippo

Augustine received a Christian education at the local catechumens where he reports to have learnt about the divine providence, a future with terrible sanctions, as well as the testimony of Jesus Christ, which he considers [...]

Employee Training and Development

By evaluating a wide variety of the workforce in an organization ranging from directors, managers, and supervisors to internal consultants and sales people, an organization is able to put into place individual, team, as well [...]

The Art of Great Wall

The Great Wall of China, one of the world's wonders and one of the greatest engineering projects in the history of the humankind is surrounded by myths and controversy which attract researchers and tourists all [...]

The Noah’s ark myth

The ark was therefore big enough for the animals since they were the most and the small family of Noah. He ordered the animals to be fruitful and fill the world again and so were [...]

Benefits of uterine family

Wolf in her book tries to explain the benefits of having uterine families in Chinese kinship system stating that both the uterine family of a woman's maternal parent and her individual uterine relations is created [...]

Theories of Personality

Through the eyes of a person who has watched the movie "Interview with the Iceman", Richard Kuklinski, who could not stop at anything that could prevent him from murdering his victims, is a hardened serial [...]

Understanding Cities and Regions

In this regard, the distinction of the two entities involves the analysis of spatial and temporal comparisons, structural change, design and the implementation of policies.

Critique of Stolfi’s Argument

For example, Stofli suggests that the reason why Hitler attacked USSR in June of 1941 is that he thought that this would help him winning the war against Britain and that he sought the expansion [...]

The Concept of Film Noir

Other than this a prominent quality of this genre is the development of negative behaviors in heroes or ant-heroes usually generated by Femme Fatale which is the depiction of Women in Film Noirs in a [...]

TV Reality and People’s Lifestyle

What makes it offending to the ladies in their lives is that they never watch the matches in their houses because they like watching the games in the company of their fellow men and they [...]

Business Information Systems

The role of information systems in organizations is to manage information, make effective and efficient decisions, and improve execution of organizational business processes.

Attractive and Unattractive Industries

While having the potential for higher profit attractive industries have a far greater degree of market competition resulting in the erosion of a firm's economic performance as compared to companies that exist in unattractive industries [...]

Decision-Making in Management

As an illustration, when a team makes a suggestion, it is expected that such a group would do anything to support the idea irrespective of any evidence presented in opposition to the idea.

Company Profile and Cover Letter: Fisher Investments

Headquartered in Woodside, California, Fisher Investments has been able to win the hearts of many high-net-worth private clients and some of the world's preeminent institutions, including Fortune 500 corporations, governments, foundations and endowments, due to [...]

New affordable e-book product is in the market

Graph of demand and supply curves for dedicated ebook devices: before introduction of ebook product Graph of demand and supply curves for dedicated ebook devices: after introduction of the cheap eBook product As can be [...]

Influences Of An Adopted Child’s Behavior

There are consistent research findings that the heritability influences adult behaviour while the environmental factors mainly affect the behaviours of the children and adolescents.this is because the adult has the ability to logically reason and [...]

Sport’s Gender Differences

Although they are aware of this fact as well as the role that sports play concerning the immune system of their bodies, they have neglected sports based on claims of issues of gender and racism [...]

Revolutions of the 1848

The wave of revolutions that swept across Western Europe in 1848 brought what can be described as lasting reforms to the regimes that governed the affected territories; and even those that watched their neighbors' revolts [...]

Year of the Flood

While the Geneva Convention on Human Rights has banned the use and development of biological agents as a means of warfare, thus sparing humanity the possibility of dying due to a virulent disease, the fact [...]

Gender Roles by Margaret Mead

Once the a rift defining men and women develops this way, it goes further and defines the positions, which men and women occupy in the society, basing on these physical and biological differences, which form [...]

Wildlife Management in Urban Areas

The end result of reducing the number of predator and carnivores in a given ecological system will cause an imbalance that allows organisms in the lower levels of the food chain to multiply to the [...]

Leadership and Motivation Ideas

An investigation into the various leadership models and principles and their consequential stimuli on the motivation and attitudes of the workers or individuals in an organization is important.

The Power of Free Speech

It must be noted though that despite the Freedom of Speech being a first Amendment right, subsequent amendments to the constitution as well as various historical acts such as the Sedition Act of 1798 and [...]

Contemporary sociological theory

This perception commonly referred to as methodological individualism, attests that "individual human action is the elementary unit that makes up social and that explaining of social institutions and social change is necessitated by a demonstration [...]

Racial Inequality in America in 1998

The Omnibus Civil Rights Act of 1964, The Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Free Housing Act of 1968 that assisted in the fight against racial iniquality by legislating the desired socio-political, economic, and [...]

Strategy external Barnes and Noble Company

In accordance to its strong brand name the company has formulated its strategies based on the brand name with focus of realizing market growth and expansion in the future; lastly Amazon.com is seen to possess [...]

Barnes and Noble-Strategy

Many companies are developing visions for the future and the visions are stimulated by the company's concerns for survival; and to ensure long-term survival, a company needs to possess and demonstrate two strategic capabilities: the [...]

The Role of Leadership Programs in Business

All leadership programs are in essence the most crucial in any organization regardless of its size, in defining and interpreting future directions that the management should put in place for the sake of objectives achievement. [...]

Gun Control in the USA

This clause states, "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a state the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed".

The Change of Gender Roles

This similarity is one of the most important to focus on the structure of the narrative. In both plays, the main actions of the characters are not directly described by the authors.

Kurt Vonnegut’s Harrison Bergeron

In the context of the time when no one is eager to struggle with blatant violation of a right to be someone, not a philosophical zombie, the protagonist is an expression of freedom of choice.

Accounting Information System

In the use of the intranet all the personnel that carry out their activities in the hospital are served and especially the top management of the hospital, the hospital uses an information management system and [...]

🕵️ 1250-Word Sherlock Holmes Essay Topics

  1. Role of science and technology in Sherlock Holmes stories.
  2. Sherlock Holmes and the Occult: famous cases with supernatural elements.
  3. The conflict between justice and law in The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton.
  4. Discuss the role of Victorian London as a character in Sherlock Holmes stories.
  5. Differences between crimes in the stories committed in the city vs. the countryside.
  6. Trace the evolution of Sherlock Holmes’s image in popular culture.
  7. Long-term abuse in isolated country settings in The Copper Beeches and The Speckled Band.
  8. Explain the role of disguise and impersonation in Holmes’s investigations.
  9. Mycroft Holmes: the enigmatic brother’s impact on Sherlock’s methods.
  10. Describe and analyze the famous detective’s failures.
  11. The depiction of women and femininity in Sherlock Holmes stories.
  12. Sherlock Holmes and criminal minds: analysis of the villains.
  13. The false glitter of a golden opportunity in The Red-Headed League and The Stockbroker’s Clerk.
  14. Discuss the use of codes and ciphers in Sherlock Holmes stories.
  15. Mercy and judgment: lawbreakers from Conan Doyle’s stories who received a second chance.

🌱 1250 Words on Soil Fertility: Essay Topics

  1. What are the factors affecting soil fertility?
  2. Soil fertility in arid and semi-arid regions: challenges and solutions.
  3. Study the connection between land productivity and water quality.
  4. Indigenous farming practices and soil fertility preservation.
  5. Discuss the best methods to restore degraded lands.
  6. Suggest how to keep ground fertile in permaculture farming.
  7. What is the role of sustainable fertilizer use in maintaining soil fertility?
  8. Explain how erosion affects the quality of land.
  9. Pros and cons of no-till farming systems for soil health.
  10. Analyze the ways of determining a nutrient deficiency in the ground.
  11. Explore the impact of copper sulfate footbaths on the quality of soils.
  12. Calcium to magnesium ratios and its effect on land fertility.
  13. Soil fertility and the nutritional quality of crops.
  14. Examine the strategies of soil sampling.
  15. The role of government policies in promoting soil fertility.

🔬 Analytical 1250-Word Paper Examples

  1. Social Rules in Gabriel Garcia Marquez’ “Chronicle of a Death Foretold”
    To begin with, it should be stated that the main idea of the title is to show that the social point of view and the rules which exist in the society are known for all […]
  2. Sexism in the English Language
    The significance of Piercey’s discussion is the attempts to prove the idea that the English language is sexist in the nature, thus, the topic of the gender inequality is discussed with references to the linguistic […]
  3. Impact of Technology on Healthcare Services
    This chapter will highlight some of the important milestones in the health sector in relation to health technology. The benefits of the spending will be weighed against the efficacy of the technology in this chapter.
  4. Walgreens and CVS Health: Proxy Statements & Annual Reports
    In order to better understand factors that influence the determination of external audit fees for Walgreens and CVS Health it is necessary to consider key characteristics of the companies.
  5. The Rise of the Papacy
    Pope Leo the Great was of particular importance in the rise of papacy as he not only convinced the barbarians not to destroy the city of Rome, he also coaxed the emperor Valentinian into recognizing […]
  6. Regional Trade Agreements
    It also accelerates the opening of enclosed economies to the rest of the world. It is true to say that the UK is a part of the EU.
  7. Ford Automobile Strategic Business Model
    Ford as a one of the leading automobile manufacturers in the world operates on a strategic business model that enables its performance.
  8. Methamphetamine Abuse and Foster Placement
    In this regard, placing a child in an environment that disrupts emotional and cognitive development poses threats of impaired brain development to the child.
  9. Planning Law and Governance
    The duties of planners in ensuring the success of planning should include establishment of effective planning policies and creating the linkage between the various levels of governance. The planners should also work with the members […]
  10. Communist Manifesto, Time and Social Issues
    The primary issue of the manifesto is the vagaries in which the bourgeoisie subject and subjugate the proletariat, all in the struggle for private property.

📑 Topics for Civil Service Personal Statement: 1250 Words

  1. Why are you passionate about getting a job in civil service?
  2. Provide specific experiences demonstrating your suitability for the position of an HR specialist.
  3. Describe the achievements that make you fit for a job in civil service.
  4. Discuss your experience in managing projects related to urban planning.
  5. Explain how your communication and organizational skills will benefit you as a social worker.
  6. Showcase your analytical thinking and decision-making abilities that will help you as a police officer.
  7. Share your experiences during engagement in community service.
  8. As a future tax auditor, describe instances where you’ve demonstrated strong leadership skills.
  9. Show how you can tackle complex problems as a future public health inspector.
  10. Highlight your understanding of laws and regulations relevant to a tax auditor’s job.
  11. How do your long-term goals align with the public service?
  12. Write about your approach to handling crises or emergencies in police work.
  13. How do you adapt to new challenges as a future social worker?
  14. Demonstrate your commitment to ethical conduct and integrity as an environmental protection specialist.

✍️ How to Write a 1250-Word Essay

Crafting a 1250-word essay is a lot of work. Most students would spend from 6 hours to half a day writing and doing thorough research. At the same time, if you are not careful, your paper will be overloaded with details and lack a clear focus.

So, how can you be on the safe side? Check out our helpful guide below!

What Do 1250 Words Look Like?

Every work needs proper planning. Instead of plunging into writing this very moment, we recommend you create an outline first.

A description of a 1250-word essay structure.

A good essay plan will comprise the following parts:

  • Introduction (1—2 paragraphs) that hooks your readers
  • Main body (6—8 paragraphs) that presents and explains all your arguments
  • Conclusion (1—2 paragraphs) that wraps up your writing.

Essentially, you can keep in mind that the whole essay will include about 10—12 paragraphs, 150—200 words each. It’s a perfect size that allows you to develop any topic properly.

1250-Word Essay Introduction

After outlining, it’s time to start writing an introduction. How long should introduction be for a 1250-word essay? Well, it typically takes up to 10—12% of the text and is 150—200 words long. Depending on the difficulty of the topic, it can be slightly shorter or longer.

A good introduction always includes 3 main things:

  • Hook. This is a sentence that catches readers’ attention and makes them curious about the further content of the essay. If you need some assistance with that, you can find inspiration with the help of our hook generator.
  • Background information. It’s essential to give enough background, but it’s equally important not to go into too much detail. Try to stay focused on the main points and avoid fluff at all costs.
  • Thesis. This is a brief statement that reveals the main idea of your essay to your readers. You will have no problems writing it if you use our thesis statement tool. It can formulate a perfect thesis statement in no time.

1250-Words Essay Conclusion

The conclusion should tie together all your major points and make a lasting impression. Now, you may be wondering: how many words should the conclusion be in a 1250-word essay? Usually, it’s the same size as an introduction, that is, 150—200 words or 10—12% of the text.

The basic structure of the conclusion is as follows:

  1. Begin with a paraphrased thesis.
  2. Sum up your main points.
  3. Explain why it matters by answering the “so what?” question.

To make your essay unforgettable, you will need a strong closing sentence. Using our concluding sentence generator will save you time and nerves and ensure an excellent result.

How Many Citations Should a 1250-Word Essay Have?

The number of citations typically depends on the essay type, your instructor’s guidelines, and the academic level. The rule of thumb is to include 8 to 12 citations per 1000 words. That means 8—12 references will also be enough for your 1250-word essay. We recommend using our citation generator to ensure flawless formatting.

🌍 Topics to Write a Paper of 1000-1250 Words on a Specific Cultural Group

  1. Asian culture and nomadic folk art.
  2. Explore the history and meaning of a red outfit at an Indian wedding.
  3. The storytelling traditions of the Inuit people.
  4. The unique cuisine of Malaysian culture.
  5. Explain what makes African culture so artistic.
  6. Belief in the will of God as a distinctive trait of Arabian culture.
  7. Examine the major values of the British people.
  8. Discuss how a holistic environment reflects the values of the Swiss people.
  9. What influences South Korean beauty standards?
  10. Study the role of respect for elders in Chinese culture.
  11. Mosaic as an integral part of Moroccan architecture.
  12. What elements of the traditional Maori culture still exist nowadays?
  13. The historical aspects of unique Malaysian architecture.
  14. What are the cultural specifics of the Ovambo people?
  15. The art of Bonsai in Japanese culture.

🏠 Topics for Writing a Narrative Paper of 1250 Words on My Community

  1. Describe the unique celebrations or festivals in your community.
  2. Discuss the level of cultural diversity in your area.
  3. Volunteering at the local care center.
  4. Explain what community you associate yourself with.
  5. Describe your role in improving local public spaces and gathering areas.
  6. What youth engagement and empowerment programs did you participate in?
  7. Write about the role of art in your community.
  8. How do you help your local animal shelter?
  9. Tell about local heroes or people who made a significant impact in your community.
  10. Discuss environmental efforts and initiatives within your community and your role in them.
  11. Describe the social issues of your community. How do you help fight them?
  12. Aging population and local senior services.
  13. Share how you help students with special needs at your school.
  14. Tell the stories of local businesses and entrepreneurs.
  15. Explore the role of sports and athletics in your community.

📚 Persuasive 1250-Word Essay Samples

  1. Scholastic Aptitude Test for College Admissions
    The SAT is used to evaluate the writing skills and literacy which are required for academic achievement in college. Hence, SAT is not a perfect way of predicting the performance of a student in college.
  2. Would 1997 Movie Titanic Be Considered a Great Epic?
    Griffith, the “father of film technique”, “the man who invented Hollywood” and “the Shakespeare of the screen,” “a film is a cooperative effort between the director and the audience.
  3. Reflection on “Concept of Hospital Readmission” and “Tele ICU Concept Analysis”
    Noticeably, the concept of Hospital Readmission has continued to take the largest part of health care discussions and this element is currently the criterion being used to measure competence in hospitals.
  4. Transition of Novice Nurse to Registered Nurse
    The experiences and challenges of newly qualified nurses in their attempt to transition to registered practitioners have been well documented in the literature, with several scholars arguing that these experiences and challenges are embedded within […]
  5. Can We Consider the Second Iraq War to Be a Just War?
    In his book Just and Unjust Wars, Michael Walzer offers the example of the Second World War as the epitome of a just war, in that the Allied forces came together to resist the aggression […]
  6. Discrimination in Education and Unfair Admission
    The significance of equality in education is due to the natural development of society and the transition to a civilized order, where any manifestations of bias for various reasons are unacceptable.

📌 1250 Word Essay: Answers to the Most Pressing Questions

📌 How Many Pages Is 1250 Words Essay?

How many pages is 1250 words of academic text? According to the guidelines of all the key citation styles, one page should contain approximately 250 words (12-point Times New Roman, double-spaced). If you follow these guidelines, your 120-word essay will be 5 pages. If you make it single-spaced, it will take 2 and a half pages.

📌 How Much Is 1250 Words in Paragraphs?

How much is 1250 words in paragraphs? A typical academic paragraph contains 100 to 150 words. So, a 1250-word essay will consist of 9-12 paragraphs.

📌 1250 Words Is How Many Sentences?

How many sentences is a 1250-word essay? A typical sentence in academic writing consists of 15-20 words. So, 1250 words are not less than 63-66 sentences.

📌 How to Write a 1250-Word Paper Outline?

An essay of 1250 words is an extensive piece that requires a serious approach to researching, outlining, and writing. The three parts of a 1250-word essay are the introduction (15% of the total volume), body (70%), and conclusion (15% of the total volume). The exact number of paragraphs will depend on how many arguments you have. Note that a typical paragraph contains 100-200 words on average.

📌 How Fast Can You Write a 1250 Word Essay?

How long does it take to write a 1250-word essay? It will take you 25-50 minutes to type 1250 words on your keyboard (the total time will depend on your typing speed). Writing an academic paper will take more time because you’ll have to research, make an outline, write, format, and edit your text. It would be best if you planned to spend a little over 4 hours for a 1250-word paper.

📌 How Many Body Paragraphs Are in a 1250 Word Essay?

A typical 1250 words essay consists of 11 to 13 paragraphs. Each of the paragraphs should contain 75-150 words.
