1600 Word Essay Topics & Paper Examples. Page 3

1,773 samples

Fosters Australia Limited Accidents

The fatal workplace accident that occurred at the Foster's Abbotsford brewery in Melbourne in April 2006 is remarkable in the history of the company and the country at large.

Politics of the Middle East

After the defeat of the Arabs by the Israelis in the six day war in 1967 as well as the inability of the Arab nations that embraced the pan African ideology to ensure economic recovery [...]

College Student Drinking

Because of the high variability of drinking among college students, the main problem of the paper is to address psychosocial variables that predict excessive drinking and, therefore, account for the problem of drinking among college [...]

The Debate About Abortion

In the case of induced abortion, a pregnancy might be terminated due to medical reasons when the doctors find that keeping the pregnancy might endanger the life of both the mother and the child thus [...]

Jazz Concert

After listening to a soul jazz performance, the writer finds that there was calmness at first in the mind of the writer as he kept on listening to the initial beats while trying to connect [...]

Race in United States

The absence of the legal frameworks or the frameworks that are weak for organizing unions, attaining collaborative rights for bargaining, and the right to protest, presented greatest grave barriers to the achievement of the environmental [...]

Concept of Placebo Effects in Medicine

Stockhorst, Enck, and Klosterhalfen assert that, proper understanding of the placebo effects and classical conditioning of certain drugs is very important in calculating appropriate dose of drugs to minimize development of tolerance and addiction to [...]

The Evidence Act 2008

6 This kind of rationale is therefore faulty because if the jury lacks the necessary expertise to handle the matter it will not evaluate the viability of the information presented to the court by the [...]

Migration, labor mobility and growth in Canada

Moreover, the author provides a historical and economic justification of migration and explores the Canadian policies contributing to the large influx of immigrants to the country, and the importance of their immigrations to Canada's economic [...]

Pedagogical Perspective of Learning

Lack of an explicitly endorsement of an andragogical approach to the learning of the students by David Guile & Toni Griffith is a clear indication that they prefer the mode of learning that is presented [...]

Religion: Islam

Muslims believe that Islam came from God and the prophet Mohammad is the last prophet; in the religion, there is a lot of emphasis on the meaning the religion, this portrays the religion as a [...]

Inequality: Causes and Consequences

Considering the significance that the issue of social inequality holds for the well being of the society, it makes sense to explore the subject of social inequality and highlight its causes.

Purchase and sales management

The nature of the purchase and sales management within market is well evaluated through the use of value stream mapping. Value stream mapping helps in assessing the effectiveness of the various steps within the management [...]

Molecular Biology gene/ mRNA body

To understand the development of the Huntington disease, the function of normal Huntingtin proteins has to be elucidated. The data suggested that normal Htt is a component of the P body and functions in the [...]

Dubai Airport Free Zone

First, the paper seeks to establish when the Dubai Airport Free Zones was established, and the main objective behind the establishment of the Free Zones.

Worth of College Degrees

The question that emerges is whether the students leave colleges with adequate knowledge and skills to face the challenges of the world and if the degrees they get after being in college for four years [...]

Analysis of the mise en scène technique

The movement of the actors on the set is also included in the definition of mise en scene. Aspect ratio-The dimensions of the rectangular bounds that are used to present the image help define the [...]

Social Networking and Marketing

This is attributable to the capability and effectiveness of the social sites. The ability to use the social sites in providing clients with links to more information about the company is equally an advantage of [...]

Encounter with the Indians

At the same time, Ross lists the obstacles facing him in the removal of the Cherokee people to the West, chief among others being the scantiness of the food ration provided to the native people.

U.S. Air Force and Lean Logistics

These enterprise works with other enterprises from the Air Force Chain of command, to the Pentagon, to the entire defence department and also the Congress and the US President who is the top in the [...]

Minority Groups Issue in Modern World

It is the continued sidelining of minority groups over the years that has resulted to the minority groups coming up with various strategies so as to advance their interests and ensure that they also participate [...]

Warehousing and distribution

The operational context of the warehousing supermarkets in Australia is in itself a challenge to the design of an effective warehouse that ensures effective storage and distribution of commodities.

Over-Exploitation of Resources

With the man needs becoming insatiable due to the increasing population and the existing scarce resources, man has sought all the available alternatives to satisfy his needs and this has resulted in exploiting of resources [...]

Rhetoric as an Art

Pre-Socratic period was marked with Hellenic rhetoric that shaped the view of philosophers in relation to the connection of the thought and expression.

Pragmatic ethics

Proponents of pragmatic ethics argue that, ethical theory and moral practice are integral components of ethics in that, either of them cannot give a satisfactory definition of morality in society.

Global Decision Making

In a nutshell, managers must understand and appreciate the norms, beliefs, attitudes, and traditions of the employees and stakeholders that they deal with in each market or country in order to make ethical decisions.