2600 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas

Writing assignments of varying lengths is a natural part of the educational process. Thus, as soon as you get a 2600-word essay task, your goal is to distribute the content and plan the text’s structure to cope with it properly.

Is composing this assignment problematic or hard? It depends on your skill and prior experience with tasks of this length. Given that the standard academic page is from 275 to 300 pages, a 2,600-word paper will take around 9-10 pages.

Such an assignment can arrive in the form of:

  • A research paper (1,500+ words)
  • A report (around 2,000 words)
  • A term paper (2,500 words)

Thus, an essay of this length is not very common. If you want to learn more about how to write a 2600-word paper, go on reading this article. And check our free essay database for more inspiring samples on any topic!

🌶 Hot 2600-word Paper Topics for 2024

  1. Reality TV vs. real life.
  2. Rock music should be age-limited due to violent lyrics.
  3. Pros and cons of making virtual friends and communicating online.
  4. The role of teachers and parents in a schooler’s moral development.
  5. The negative side of heavy social media use.
  6. Recycling should be made mandatory.
  7. Sports should be better integrated into the school curriculum.
  8. Technology is killing traditional education values.
  9. Childcare funding is every government’s responsibility.
  10. Adolescent and child sleep should be given more attention.
  11. The student loan crisis requires a new approach to funding education.
  12. Tattoos should be made illegal for underaged children.
  13. Incidence of hate crime at schools.
  14. The current taxation system in the USA is ineffective.
  15. Gun control in the USA requires reform.

🔎 Analytical 2600 Words Essay Examples

  1. Community Development in Theory and Practice
    Community development theory is a framework of how the whole process should be carried out including the identification of the problems, the indicators of measuring development and the procedure of involving people in the projects.
  2. TNT Company’s Marketing Management and Strategy
    Through the company’s mission that shows the purpose of the company, principle aims the company wants to meet are well outlined to clearly show the activities of the company, and the future position where the […]
  3. The Ethical Issues of Genetic Engineering
    Many people have questioned the health risks that arise from genetically modified crops, thus it is the politicians who have to ensure that the interests of the people are met and their safety is assured. […]
  4. GCGDA’s Project Management
    To ensure success in this context, emphasis should be laid on the project goals and objectives, the project resources, the sources of project funds, and the key issues that affect the performance of the project.
  5. Analysis of UK Economy
    The critical problems facing businesses in the UK shall also be examined, in addition to analyzing the future business prospects in the UK. The increase in the rate of unemployment has also been exacerbated by […]
  6. Heineken: A Company and a Brand
    Price The price customers are prepared to pay determines the level of demand for a product or service which affects the progress of the marketing company and the company’s competitive position in the market place.
  7. Outsourcing in Public and Private Entities
    To assess the factors leading to outsourcing, this study delves into the outsourcing strategy used by the University of Wisconsin, as well as the challenges they face in the implementation process.
  8. Peace and Democracy: US Impact in the Middle East
    However, the aim is to determine the view of those individuals who are for the rules and policies that the United States has formulated towards the Middle East and its impacts on the region and […]
  9. International Financial Reporting Standards in Kazakhstan
    The paper begins with a brief overview of the adoption of IFRS and the progress made so far in the adoption process.
  10. Adolescent Sexuality and Sexual Health
    Some of the risks include potential death of the mother, spread of HIV to among the adolescents and high potential death of the infant.
  11. Technologies, E-business, and Virtual Organizations
    Enhanced communication is the other advantage of IT to the business world and especially in the field of E-business. The websites used in the E-business also enable investors to reduce the cost of product promotion.
  12. Instability and Division of Yemen
    The Yemenis, just like other Arabs in other parts of the world, were motivated by the success achieved by the civilians in eliminating the autocratic rule in Tunisia.
  13. Exegetical Study of Biblical Divorce
    The divine plan for marriage, the permission to divorce, and the issue of celibacy can be interpreted to help in understanding the passage of marriage and divorce.

💬 2600-word Persuasive Essay Topics

  1. Income inequality is unavoidable in capitalism.
  2. Minimum wages rarely provide for decent living and should be raised.
  3. Space exploration is an unnecessary state expenditure.
  4. Students should join political parties at a young age because they are engaged and enthusiastic.
  5. Abortion should be legal to protect women’s health.
  6. Free trade favors mature markets only.
  7. Cheerleading is not a sport.
  8. Gender equality is impossible in sports.
  9. Sex education should be included in secondary school curricula.
  10. Hard work is not a synonym for success.
  11. Blogging is not a profession; its hype will quickly pass.
  12. Smartphones are killing social communication.
  13. Self-driving cars are useless.
  14. Over-dependence on technology is disastrous for human self-esteem.
  15. Barack Obama has left the most noticeable footprint in modern American history.

💡 2600-word Argumentative Essay Examples

  1. Music Effects on the Brain
    However, listening to music has the ability to inspire the hormones and raise the levels of these elements to equilibrium, making the brain to work optimally.
  2. An Argument Against Euthanasia
    5 Generally, it is contrary to the duty of the subject of euthanasia and that of those who intend to perform the mercy killing to take one’s life based on their own assessment of the […]
  3. Educational Applications of Nursing Informatics
    The application of informatics implies the incorporation of information technology in the process of direct healthcare provision, establishment of efficient administrative systems, management and education delivery as well as supporting nursing research.
  4. The Effects of Television on the Way People Understand Themselves
    This is because, despite the fact that the advocates of political correctness encourage citizens to believe that the specifics of one’s racial affiliation are not being reflective of his or her tendency to commit crimes, […]
  5. Is Political Analysis a ‘Scientific’ Enterprise? Should It Be?
    The fact that the results from studying a variety of governments of a given number of nations limits the probability of obtaining reproducible results and thus limits the study of political science to be classified […]
  6. Globalization Has Meant That the Local Is No Longer Important
    It gave a warning to the government of this country that the world was watching. The local remains important and it is for this reason that other societies will need to share it.
  7. The Primary Causes of Terrorist Political Violence
    In a clash between the religious beliefs and those of the state or a foreign power, the religious beliefs are likely to triumph and garner the support of the majority.
  8. Living Consciously in an Unconscious World
    Doing this is not always a smooth sailing all the way, much of the thoughts and beliefs one has, are usually fixed or definite by the time they get to adulthood.
  9. Leadership and Organization Development at RCDP
    The establishment of ‘College Council’, as the institution’s main governing body, the members of which will be in the position to partake in the making of executive decisions, concerned with the College’s functioning.
  10. Sustainability of Change Management
    The human resource functions need to be aligned to the strategic plans of the organization. The management needs to create a constructive corporate culture that restores long-term feasibility of the organization as an essential part […]
  11. Economic Globalization and its Limitations
    This scholar is of the view that in extension, the impacts that economic globalization has on various spheres of the society, ranging from economic to social, are also limited.

✏️ How to Write a 2600 Words Paper?

Since a paper of this length should be 9-10 pages overall, it’s hard to compose it without a proper structure and logic. Here are some ideas on organizing the content for better readability and competent research findings’ presentation.

The picture lists the structural components of a 2600-word essay.

2600-Word Essay Structure

Since a 2600-word paper may take many forms – a report, term paper, or research paper – the prompt will usually determine its structure. For instance, writing a research paper may require a separate literature review section, and a term paper may include a theoretical or methodological section to explain the student’s approach to the study. In any case, you should study the professor’s task and rubric inside out, plan the structure accordingly, and use the free outline generator we’ve developed to get a sample outline you can use for inspiration.

2600-Word Essay Introduction

An introductory part of this paper should be limited to 10% of the total word count, which leaves you with 260 words of text. It is roughly one double-spaced page, which may be divided into 2-3 paragraphs. You can explain the broad background and formulate a more specific research problem in the first paragraph and then explain how you plan to approach it in the second paragraph. The final part of the introductory section should also have a thesis statement for 1-2 sentences, condensing the main goal behind your study.

Note that a 2600-word essay introduction should be a well-structured piece containing a hook, a thesis, and a problem statement. Check out our essay hook generator, thesis statement tool, and problem statement maker to get ideas for these parts. And consider utilizing the free research introduction maker to get a sample introductory part in no time.

2600-Word Essay Conclusion

The essay’s conclusion should also be around 10% long, which again gives you one double-spaced page for the recap of all major points, a thesis statement’s reformulation, and a call to action for the audience. You may use that space to reiterate the problem’s significance and to voice recommendations for solving it.

If you would like to quickly wrap up your arguments into a concise closing section, try our concluding sentence generator.

How Many References Should I Use in a 2600 Word Paper?

Generally, your number of references may be set by the instructor, but if there is no guidance in the prompt, use the formula of 8-12 references for every 1,000 words. This way, you will end up with 21 to 31 references for a paper of this length.

The free works cited generator we’ve made will enable you to prepare a good-locking reference list according to your required citation style.

🏛 2600 Words Ideas for an Essay about World History

  1. World War II fundamentally changed family traditions.
  2. Hitler’s rise to power was endorsed by all states.
  3. World War II would have started even without Hitler.
  4. The Spanish Civil War as a unique opportunity for Francisco Franco.
  5. The causes of the Greek Civil War were mostly about ideology.
  6. Israelis’ expansionist policy as the main cause of the Arab-Israel conflict.
  7. Collaboration between Americans and Australians in the Vietnam War.
  8. Reasons for the Huguenots’ failure in the French religious wars.
  9. The spillover effect of the European Revolutions in 1848.
  10. The causes of the American Revolution.
  11. Enlightenment was a social revolution in Europe.
  12. Child labor as a dark side of the Industrial Revolution.
  13. Role of women in colonial America.
  14. American roads to slavery.
  15. Ethnic cleansing of Indian history and tribes by the US Founding Fathers.

🧠 2600-Word Essay Topics about Psychology

  1. VR applications in phobia treatment.
  2. Hypnosis techniques for memory retrieval.
  3. The risks of prescription medication addiction in mental health disorder treatment.
  4. Comparative efficiency of various stress reduction techniques.
  5. Tangible impact of positive psychology on human well-being.
  6. How do stereotypes affect people’s conduct?
  7. Contribution of social media to rising incidence of body dysmorphic disorder.
  8. Does modern society favor narcissists?
  9. Classical vs. modern psychoanalytical approaches – which is more relevant to modern patients?
  10. Outcomes of animal-assisted therapy for PTSD patients.
  11. ASD: inborn or acquired disorder?
  12. Psychopathy as a genetic disorder: impact of environment on genes’ activation.
  13. Arts as a trauma healing technique.
  14. Use of animals in psychological experiments.
  15. Extended screen time hinders cognitive development in children.

🤨 Critical 2600-word Essay Examples

  1. “An Essay on Man” by Alexander Pope
    This essay discusses the philosophy that Pope brings forth in his Essay that Man, in his pride and disbelief, is blinded and fails to realize the beauty and sublimity in the perfect world that God […]
  2. The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge
    Thus, the subject matter of the book is “the condition of knowledge in the most highly developed societies”. The major concepts of this theory are used to consider the types of knowledge and the role […]
  3. Comparative Mythology. Ugaritic myths of Anat and Baal
    Since it was believed that Anat had extra-ordinary powers in matters related to reproduction, war, and harvest, the town of Zoan was expanded and the sanctuary of Anat was renamed as the City of Ramses.
  4. The Implementation of a BSC System in Chilquinta Energia
    Therefore, in the implementation of a BSC system, the management team assessed the performance of three companies; that is, Chilquinta Energia, TecnoRed, and Energas and thus called the system a three-level BSC.
  5. The Effects of the Environment on Human Beliefs and Actions
    In some sense, Buddhism owes the given specifics to the fact that it is composed of life experiences and revelations of a number of people, Jiddu Krishnamurti being one of them.
  6. The Entrepreneurial State by Mariana Mazzucato
    Diagnosis of the Faults made in the Process of Formulating Strategic Decisions In the outline of the book, Mazzucato appreciates the key role played by the public sector in the society.
  7. “Death of a Salesman” by Steven Erickson
    In addition, Ben’s key music is indicative of him being the figure that Willy adored as a source of his hope in life.
  8. International Management: Ethics and Culture
    In addition, the employees are not sensitive of the interest of the other employees the firm. One of the ways through which the managers can instill ethics amongst the employees is by ensuring that they […]
  9. “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in A World That Can’t Stop Talking” by Susan Cain
    The author defines two personal characters, an introvert and an extrovert, as the main characters linking a person to the society. According to the author, the majority of the successful people in the world are […]
  10. An Example of True Fidelity with the Source Text: A Scanner Darkly
    One of the reasons why it appears to be the case is that, even though that the director had made a deliberate point in altering some dialogues between the featured characters and in adjusting the […]
  11. The Ground for Business Ethics
    In the following paper, the critical review of Geert Demuijnck’s article will be conducted as well as the evaluation of the current ethical issues connected with the professional practice in the sphere of IT technologies.

🤖 2600-Word Essay Topics about Technology

  1. Technology makes people lazier.
  2. Technological innovations have made it easier to study.
  3. Technology is non-natural.
  4. Artificial intelligence hinders non-tech startups’ growth.
  5. GMO foods are a negative byproduct of tech progress.
  6. Surveillance as a breach of privacy.
  7. The promise of an illness-free life coming from genetic engineering.
  8. The path to transhumanism with biohacking.
  9. Is space tourism technically possible?
  10. The use of machine learning in decision-making is flawed and biased.
  11. Facial recognition technology is a breach of privacy.
  12. Nanotechnology use in medicine is risky.
  13. Agricultural productivity enhancements with drones.
  14. Deepfakes erode trust in politicians.
  15. Quantum computing is hazardous for security.

📌 2600 Word Essay: Answers to the Most Pressing Questions

📌 2600 Word Essay Is How Many Pages?

How many pages is 2600 words of academic text? According to the guidelines of all the key citation styles, one page should contain approximately 250 words (12-point Times New Roman, double-spaced). If you follow these guidelines, your 2600-word essay will be 11 pages. If you make it single-spaced, it will take 5 and a half pages.

📌 How Much Is 2600 Words in Paragraphs?

How much is 2600 words in paragraphs? A typical academic paragraph contains 100 to 150 words. So, a 2600-word essay will consist of 18-21 paragraphs.

📌 How Many Sentences Is 2600 Words?

How many sentences is a 2600-word essay? A typical sentence in academic writing consists of 15-20 words. So, 2600 words are not less than 130-133 sentences.

📌 How to Outline a 2600-Word Essay?

An academic paper of 2600 words is not always an essay. A text of this length is more likely to be a research paper, term paper, or extended essay. An outline for such an assignment is more complicated than that for a standard essay. In addition to the usual parts (introduction, body, and conclusion), you’ll probably need to include other elements like an abstract and methodology. The details will depend on the exact requirements.

📌 How Long Does It Take to Write 2600 Words?

How long does it take to write a 2600-word essay? It will take you 50-100 minutes to type 2600 words on your keyboard (the total time will depend on your typing speed). Writing an academic paper will take more time because you’ll have to research, make an outline, write, format, and edit your text. It would be best if you planned to spend a little over 8 and a half hours for a 2600-word paper.

📌 How Long Should an Introduction Be in a 2600 Word Essay?

A typical introduction in a 2600 words essay contains about 390 words. However, it might be a good idea to ask your professor to provide you with the exact requirements.

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IvyPanda. (2023, November 23). 2600 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. https://ivypanda.com/essays/words/2600-words-essay-examples/

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"2600 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas." IvyPanda, 23 Nov. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/words/2600-words-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda. (2023) '2600 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas'. 23 November.


IvyPanda. 2023. "2600 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas." November 23, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/words/2600-words-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda. "2600 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas." November 23, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/words/2600-words-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda. "2600 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas." November 23, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/words/2600-words-essay-examples/.

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