450 Word Essay Examples + Topic Ideas. Page 2

1,169 samples

E-Commerce: Flash 4 ActionScript

However, it is important to note that e-commerce and m-commerce have many similarities and are often based on similar software. Flash 4 ActionScript is considered to be a very helpful software since it enables to [...]

Raza Unida Party Book

The writer documents in this book his involvement in the establishment of the La Raza Unida Party in the California state of the United States of America. The book highlights the political happenings in the [...]

Issues in the Workplace

Human behavior in the workplace deserves our attention, as people spend so much time at work, communicating with different people; lots of conflicts take place in the workplace, and people should be ready to find [...]

Giovanni Pico Della Mirandolla

While he was fourteen years of age, Giovanni went to Bologna where he studied for two years, and was mostly engaged with the Decrials."While still in Bologna, he was disgusted with the traditional studies of [...]

The Last Supper

The work depicted the scene of the last supper as illustrated in the Bible. The person in the center of the picture is Jesus Christ.

The Role of Trade Unions in 2011

Professionalism among the trade union officials is desirable, the quality and effectiveness of education and training provided by the Trade Union College needs to be improved.

Components of Cognitive Disorder

This component is critical in explaining possible causes of cognitive behaviors in situations where biological, behavioral, and cognitive components fail to provide the causes. A cognitive component is critical in the treatment of cognitive disorders.

Separatist Movement in Chechnya

1990s The formation of the Russian Federation Republic of Chechnya and beginning of the independence movement. A major demand of Chechen separatist is to establish the independence of Chechnya and in so-called Muslim region.

Cambourne’s Conditions of Learning

Cambourne studied development of oral language in 1988 and came up with effective ways of imparting oral language skills in students to improve their literacy acquisition. Cambourne's conditions of learning have many implications on children [...]

Internationalisation of TUI AG

The process involves identification of strategic partners useful in the process of entry into the new market. Tour operators and agencies are the main catalyst of success in the tourism business.

Large-scale universe to Milky Way

The advent of the modern cosmology is based on extensive evidence supported by full observations and theories."The cosmology of today attempt to explain the commencement, the current state and eventual end of the universe".

The American Disability Act, ADA

Therefore, if an employer is in a position of modifying the job's requirement structure or structure which will cause the employer perceived hardships and at the same time ensure that an employee who has got [...]

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Mediation is a framework or program specifically designed for solving disagreements between two or more people with the help of a volunteering third party, who is always an agreed choice of the conflicting members. The [...]

Significance of Organizational Behavior

Organizational learning process is critical to organizations because it helps management teams and low-end employees to adapt to the workplace environment, and to grow their competitive advantage2. This is because the process of learning organizational [...]

Porter’s Five Force Analysis

In the year 1998, Nokia was rated as the largest mobile phone manufacturers of all times, and they had the command of the telecommunication market and enjoyed the monopoly of controlling prices for more than [...]

The Wang Center Museum

It was in the Skylight Gallery that the contemporary Korean artworks were displayed during the March 2015 Korean History Exhibition at the Wang Center.

History and Teachings of Zen in Japan

Zen Buddhism comes to Japan in the eighth century after the Japanese monks' visits to China. Dogen followed the strict form of Sung Zen, and his teachings were supported by the followers of Nonin.

Gender Inequalities in China

As for this assignment, the primary connections of readings Markets and Bodies: Women, Service Work, and the Making of Inequality of China by Otis and Red Lights: The Lives of the Sex Workers in Postsocialist [...]

Chinese Art, Fashion, and Mass Production

Such attitude invokes the lack of individuality creating the mass production products, proving that along with the promotion of the new artists in the world and sharing ideas the large trade and political institutions can [...]

Education Funding Sources and Laws

Studying Title 1 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Black notices that the initial purpose of the Act was to provide equality about educational opportunities for the students coming from low-income families.