550 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 28

14,779 samples

Hieronymus Bosch’s “The Last Judgment”

Hieronymus Bosch's The Last Judgment triptych uses the three panels of the painting to represent the three biblical events that predict the terrible end of humankind: the Fall, the Judgment Day, and the eternal Death [...]

Protostars and Their Lifecycle

It lasts from the gravitational collapse of a giant molecular cloud and ends with the start of the hydrogen fusion. The gas starts to collapse toward the center of the core, creating the first stage [...]

Health Policy and Law Basics

The main objective of a company in free-market health care is to be profitable. The policy of Donald Trump supports free-market health care, and it is wise to use the law to your advantage.

Women in Sports: Policy for Transgender Players

Drawing from this elucidation, the proposed policy statement on transgender participation in mixed leagues will not require transgender athletes to prove their gender identity through the testimony of professional experts and psychologists; on the contrary, [...]

Legal Working Age and Hours Limits

This paper aims to prove that the minimum age should be changed to be eighteen years old for employment with unlimited hours and twenty-one for jobs that are hazardous to one's health.

Rationality in Decision-Making

The position emerging from the aforementioned statement is further reinforced in Pierce where he states that the decision by the young lawyer to let emotions prevail over rationality, amounts to the lawyer acting as a [...]

The Tourism Industry: New Ideas

The idea of making a brand relevant to the target audiences by promoting a better connection between family members and focusing on the significance of family ties, in general, clearly is an important concept in [...]

Medical Tourism: Important Aspects

Regionalization has also been influenced by the availability of more affordable services in different parts of the world, which makes it reasonable for people to access health care services in the emerging markets, rather than [...]

Stacey King-Gordon’ Magazine Design

And for the same reason, learning the principles of successful design is the main professional goal of every magazine designer. Design is an intrinsic element of the brand and, to fit the magazine's style, it [...]

UTi Worldwide Company’s History

Feitzinger joined the company as a consultant in 2009, later becoming the Executive Vice President of the Contract Logistics and Distribution branch in 2010 and the Executive Vice President of the Global Operations branch in [...]

Jamaican Culture and Philosophy

A combination of fried bread and chickpeas is unusual enough to create the impression of an exotic environment. Even though the specified items do not necessarily create a complete portrait of the cultures in question, [...]

Education Role for Global Citizenship

Despite the fact that many sources of information about fair trade and the methods of advertising are available to people and discussed at schools, colleges, and universities, people fail to comprehend one simple thing that [...]

“Decoded” a Book by Jay-Z

I think that he was rather successful in the majority of his endeavors, and it is possible to find several explanations in the text of how the author used his story, his experience, and his [...]

Fitness and Health Terms Definition

Health denotes a condition of total physical, psychological, and social welfare and not just the absence of sickness or frailty while fitness represents the capacity to satisfy the requirements of the environment.

Hip Hop Definition

In fact, many authors underline the fact that commercialization of hip-hop has changed its essence considerably and deprived modern people of the possibility to understand the essence of hip-hop and true reasons for its appearance. [...]

Closed Loop Supply Chain Process

The fundamental purpose of the paper is to discover the return process in the closed-loop supply chain process. As a matter of fact, it resulted in the creation of the closed loop supply chain management [...]

How Are Women Portrayed?

The portrayal of women in the news, media, fashion, and film industry is usually not the reality, but a " stereotype based on the attitudes and intentions of the producers, targeted audience and their culture".