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Asian Civilization Formation Process

It is clear that such factors as the comparative isolation of China, the religious influences, the dynasty form of political order, and the peculiarities of trade relations and overlordship over the Silk Way contributed to [...]

National Indian Museum

Set up by the Indian government in the forties of the previous century, this museum is located in the capital city of New Delhi and is the biggest in the country.

Definition: What is news?

Its purpose is to update on the latest state of a news item. Therefore, a fitting definition of news is an item of communication through mainstream, official and personal means of communication that passes on [...]

Adamson House in Malibu, California

The exterior style of the Adamson house complies with the style of the outside space. The Adamson house is located on the seaside and, therefore, much of the elements in style are reminiscent of the [...]

Fiscal Policy in Spain

Fiscal policy involves the use of government expenditure and the government revenue collection to influence economy, the state of supply demand, output as well as employment.

Always better control (ABC) Analysis

There are a lot of similarities between the ABC analysis and the Preto principle in the sense that items in class 'A' represent a large portion of the cumulative value but a smaller percentage of [...]

Choral Music History

The origin of this form of music is the traditional music that people sung in groups across multiple traditional cultures. To enhance the outcome of the voices, choral music could be sung with or without [...]

Field Theory Application

The theory enables firms' management to establish the various forces that may affect the change process. The theory is applicable in organizational development and change management in that it enables firm's management teams to understand [...]

Kuala Lumpur Overview

The population growth of the Kuala Lumpur region varies from the core of the city to the suburbs. As much as there is a high population growth in the core, the growth of the population [...]

Global Teams Differences

This means that the branches should not imitate the organizational cultures that are applied in other regional offices but should instead stick to those of their region.

Gender Roles in Cartoons

Though the males are portrayed to be logical, but it is shown that the females are more successful because of simple blunders or miscalculations which males fail to understand, females are able to beat males [...]

“Common Sense” by Thomas Paine

Paine does not see the necessity of a government because to him the government is the worst tool of oppression. Paine is opposed to the idea that America has flourished under the surveillance of Britain.

The Basketball Game

A basketball is a vital component in the game of basketball at the playing field, commonly referred to as a court and the basket. The lighter the basketball, the easier it is to roll the [...]

Confucianism System

For over 2,000 years, China's poetry and history, government and social life, and the ethics of the society dominate philosophical system of Confucianism. The family reflected the social, economic, and political units of the society.

Museum of the Original Art Show

On the whole, this book can be of some interest to parents with toddlers. It seems that this book can of great interest to children of pre-school age, especially girls.

Chichen Itza Archeologic Site

The archeological site is located in Yucatan Peninsula and presents one of the most famous archeological sites in Mexico, "Chichen Itza has been considered one of the most important sites in the north portion of [...]

Immigration’s Influence on the USA

The USA is the classic country of immigration where immigrants form one of the significant categories of the country's population. Nevertheless, the negative public opinion toward immigrants in relation to the economic and social issues [...]

The War of 1812 for Americans

The War of 1812 was instigated by the agitation of the Americans due to the dissatisfaction with the British government. After the War in 1816, the Bank of the United States was chartered by the [...]

Social Interaction Problems

It is also significant that social challenges influence the interaction with communities which can result in international issues or problems. The way in which U.S.are handling the issues of developing country can have impact on [...]

Prevalence of Hepatitis B

Hence, it means that the high prevalence of hepatitis B in Sub-Saharan countries is attributable to childhood infections of HBV. High prevalence of hepatitis B in Sub-Saharan countries is due to numerous factors that promote [...]

The Vietnam War Outcomes

The Vietnam War was and is still considered the longest deployment of the U. In conclusion, both the U.S.and the Vietnam governments have a lot to ponder regarding the outcome of the Vietnam War.

Short Detective Story

You nabbed them!" "Who?" asked the detective."The time fugitives" said the other man, with a note of deep distaste."They were not content with the domes, the recycled air, the recycled food, the unvarying light and [...]

Mao Zedong’s Rise to Power

They give preference to qualitative data that allows the reader to understand the opinions of Mao and his opponents. In my view, David Apter and Tony Saich were able to capture the essence of Mao [...]

The Quality of Leader-Member Exchange

The leader must pay an ardent attention to feelings of the various group members forming his/her followers, appreciate and respond to the feelings of the subjects and depend for the better part, on methods of [...]

Visual Art: Ownership and Copyright

Today, visual art has become easy to make, available and cheaper because of the invention of a camera. The rhythm and the harmony of art work contribute greatly to the supremacy of an image.

“Fight Club” by Fincher David

It is possible to say that this person advocates the values of a hunter-gather society which tends to be simpler and more egalitarian, at least from economic point of view. In this way they attempt [...]

Job design in an Organization

For this case, considering improvement of working conditions for customer service professional in the credit card company, various ways of restructuring and reorganizing the working system are necessary in order to improve working conditions and [...]

Insurance and Negligence

When signing an insurance policy, there are some conditions that are special to a particular case, in the case that they offer some duty of care to the policyholder, then in case of an incidence [...]

Motivation: Selfish Interests

Despite the fact that the theory set up by psychologists explaining the motivation to doing good makes some sense, there are a number of cases that are not in conformance with the stipulations of the [...]

Road Rage: Aggression on the Road

Road rage increases the probability of a driver committing traffic offences or even risking the lives of other road users. In addition to the annoyance caused to other road users, road rage causes disturbance to [...]

The Concept of Film Noir

Other than this a prominent quality of this genre is the development of negative behaviors in heroes or ant-heroes usually generated by Femme Fatale which is the depiction of Women in Film Noirs in a [...]

Wholesalers’s and Retailer’s Marketing

Through wholesale warehousing, a wholesaler buys the goods from the producer or manufacturer in large quantities and avails the goods to the retailers and in turn ends up distributing the goods of the consumer to [...]