10000 Word Essay Examples + Topics for a 10000 Word Paper
Have you ever wondered what it takes to write a 10000-word essay? Even the thought of crafting a paper of that length can be daunting, but with the right approach, you can handle it.
If you convert 10000 words to pages, you’ll get approximately 36 double-spaced or 18 single-spaced pages. This word count is common for thesis and dissertation assignments in college.
Devote at least ten days to working on a 10000-word paper. You’ll need enough time to find, study, and organize your sources, plan the structure, write the article, and proofread it. Below, you’ll find writing tips, 10000-word essay examples, and excellent topic ideas. And if you need more inspiration for your assignments, check out our free essay samples!
To determine the level of need of a suitable radiological lab in the United Arab Emirates To determine the feasibility of starting this project, and clearly state all the benefits, and possible negative consequences of [...]
The reason for this is due to the relative absence of luxury fashion brands within the country which causes the local buyer to either resort to utilising purchasing services or going abroad to buy the [...]
For multinational companies to take full advantage of the opportunities in the online market to boost their sales, they have to understand the online behavior of their customers when they make online room reservations.
The report will also provide the company with reliable information on the financial performance of the company giving an insight into the effectiveness of policies implemented.
This paper explores the returns of private funds and the returns of the S&P 500, to ascertain which returns are more favorable for investors for investing.
It is based on this that this paper examines the sustainability of Sino - U.S.cooperation in the realm of nontraditional security issues with a specific focus on Sino - U.S.views and positions on aspects related [...]
To attain that purpose and goal, the model is defined by technology and market-oriented concepts to address the healthcare and insurance need of the customer based on the business model.
Therefore, the purpose of this dissertation is to identify and discuss the mechanisms through which these global corporations, in particular, Apple might implement to reduce the negative association with these offshore suppliers and improve the [...]
COA 2 slides follow after slide Product 2 The UN Peacekeeping Mission under Chapter VI of UN Charter has failed to keep peace in N-K, prompting the promulgation of UNSCR 4466 that authorizes the establishment [...]
The germinal epithelium was a preferred term over OSE because this outer ovarian epithelium was assumed to be the source of germ cells in embryos and adults, and besides this, pre-follicular and granulosa cells that [...]
This papers look at the issues to e considered when privatizing a security company as well as the process involved in the operation Kosar defined privatization as "The use of the private sector in the [...]
In addition, the franchise may involve the provision of the right to distribute the products of the seller. In this case, the law requires the seller to guide the buyer in the implementation of the [...]
The economy heavily depends on the wine industry so low performance in the wine industry denotes low performance for the entire economy and this is not good for the French.
The largest oil fields in the world have been discovered in Saudi Arabia and these are now operated and controlled by Saudi Aramco, now fully-owned by the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
A?" The purpose of the present investigation study is to understand the morale of employees in corporate America on how it affects the way the economy functions in the United States.
After the presentation of the lesson, the students completed exercises, which tested their ability to sort, compare, and to write numbers. Following the completion of the first lesson, I was able to integrate the Montessori [...]
In the 1990s, the latest developments in nation-building have begun emphasizing a corporate outlook and regionalism directly related to the use of the English language."The younger generation is tied to the pragmatics of English-knowing bilingualism [...]
In general, the attention paid to the subject of the application and development of new media in Olympics by the author, as well as the corresponding researches on the subject in this paper, originates from [...]
It is assumed that cultural misconceptions, in general, and the lack of cultural awareness required to appeal to the target members of the population successfully, in particular, are the key factors preventing the entrepreneurship from [...]
The aim of the study is to identify specific marketing communication activities that Apple could implement to retain its loyal consumers by appealing to behaviors and preferences that promote this goal
The research questions the hegemony of the sport concept and discusses the convergence of the sports and digital cultures, referring to the Olympic Virtual Series at the Tokyo Games 2020, digital health, and innovative sports [...]
Therefore, the major aim of sleep is to balance the energies in the body. However, the nature of the activity that an individual is exposed to determines the rate of memory capture.
Whether the changes in the structure and culture of the company are communicated to the suppliers; Do the suppliers in turn communicate the changes in their organizations to the company?
The transgression from one style to the other, and through the process of breaking the convention Virginia Woolf, in her essay A Room of One's Own and parodic novel Orlando: An Autobiography, reinstates for her [...]
The importance of nutrition is enhanced and the primary approach is to understand the importance of traditional food for the health of the indigenous people.
Pertaining to the assignment process, a proper assignment process should comprise steps aimed at the understanding of project priority, development of linkages between the strengths of each of the project managers and project demands, and [...]
Although the folktales differ based on the kinds of food that the ogres eat and the food that the ogre uses to trap the children, the fact is that in all the folk tales food [...]
While most of the contemporary graphic designers are thankful for the contribution that internet communication has made in the graphic design industry, others mostly the 'old school' designers abhor the internet due to the problems [...]
As soon as the market for entering is identified, it is necessary to conduct a market analysis and understand the peculiarities of market growth, customers' needs, forecasted demand, possible barriers, and even the role of [...]
History of a country helps in bringing out the path the country has taken to reach its current position, some of the challenges it has faced in the process, and how it has been able [...]
Finally, this is taking control in the context of management and of marketing from the beginning up to the realization and the start of the sale of the project."After the project" phase is the conduct [...]
The banks' capacity to improve instructive asymmetries in the middle of borrowers and lenders and to oversee uncertainties is the quintessence of bank generation.
This research strives to contribute to the understanding of the functions of level three leaders in the hotel industry. The study's contribution helps to shed light on the context of L3Ls in the hotel industry [...]
The Ministry of Culture is now convinced that the institution has the required resources and capabilities to become the first museum primarily dedicated to the works of a single artist.
The selected independent variables of each of the models were the liquidity ratio, the gearing ratio, the asset turnover, the inventory turnover, the collection period, the credit period, the interest coverage, the market capitalization, and [...]
The future trend, however, is for the non-profit organisations to merge to avoid the issue such as the duplication of services, and for those that do not merge, need to transform into profit making institutions [...]
The rise in fraudulent activities in the banks, the increasing need for entertainment in the country among other emerging trends have seen the need for innovation and creativity be on the rise.
Project managers and members of the project teams of Arabtec were requested to be participants of the survey. A team is a part of a whole, the organisation.
The researcher concluded that, indeed, salinity is one of the major causes of concrete disintegration and reduces the durability of buildings in saline environments.
According to Earley and Mosakowski, the government has made deliberate steps to ensure that the economy is highly diversified to reduce overreliance on the oil and gas sector as the main driver of the economy.
To give a practical experience of the concepts and issues involved in the preparation of a business plan In doing an industry analysis of UK's high-end chocolate industry this business plan uses the Porter's five [...]
An established brand loyalty is important to a company since it makes it more harder for new products to gain a market share, it increases a company's ability and strength to respond to competitive threats, [...]
Carvajal, Maucec and Cullick argue that the industry of the oil and gas is the world's largest sector in terms of dollar value. The aim of the research is to investigate how digital transformation has [...]
They aimed to find out how AI affects the performance of accounting professionals, investigate whether there have there been changes in employee attitudes toward AI, explore factors that could influence changes in the attitudes of [...]
Discussion: This chapter of this study will organise considering the research question, such as it will describe Zara's marketing strategies to develop brand awareness and customer loyalty; Conclusions: Finally, the chapter six will scrutinise all [...]
The understanding of the world as an ecosystem has a great implication for the overall rate of human development and the conceptualisation of sustainable development, as a new paradigm of development.
After that, it is estimated that it will take 8 months to implement the rest of the project which will consist of installing the RFID readers and scanners, placing in the new prison doors, training [...]
So the following factors have to be considered: Cost of the Smart Phone including the future cost of maintenance, Expected output / Results nature of the job in relation to the phone, Altitude of the [...]
It is a case study of McDonalds and how the international company disregards the ethical considerations of business in the fast food industry. To this end, the ethical practices include the accurate representation of a [...]
Thus, their product selection depends on the color of the product packaging and the color of the brand. The color is the reflection of light in the person's eyes that is transmitted to the brain [...]
The primary purpose of the chapter was to provide detailed information concerning the data collection and analysis to allow replication of the study in the future.
Nevertheless, the observations and studies of the leaders of medical institutions in different countries, for example, with the use of Belbin test, showed a very low level of people with skills of leadership, which means [...]
The study focused on examining the relevance of Building Information Modeling in transportation projects and the key drivers and barriers to the implementation of BIM in transportation infrastructure projects.
The aim of the first chapter is to concentrate on the overview of the topic mainly the influence of the global economic downturn on the cement industry in Saudi Arabia as an important segment of [...]
Sustainable building: Sustainable building is a concept in that instills minimalistic environmental impacts through sustained and documented principles in the building, construction, and architectural industry.
However, in understanding the ethical issues in sports medicine, it is vital to conceptualize the concept of ethics in healthcare. Comprehensively, this paper strives to improve the standards of professionalism in sports medicine.
The main principal underlying the concepts of these transactions is that the companies involved are always out to increase their shareholder bases, to get to a maximum beyond the sum of the current share holders [...]
Based on this understanding, it is important to understand the main drivers of this process and the influence of micro-level constructs of intellectual knowledge resource management on organizational outcomes.
The contractor will be responsible for assessing the design, procurement activities, the actual construction, commissioning and the handover to the owner or operator when the system is ready for operation to ensure that it is [...]
The following is a research paper on exploring the dynamics of the Macau gaming industry situated in China in an attempt to establish the profitability and attractiveness of the industry through the application of the [...]
The dissertation undertakes a study that compares the sales/ marketing strategies and the performance of the retail businesses during the Christmas season in UK.
This means that the growth and development of the business can be comfortably supported by the revenues generated and can be sustained in the long term.
An essential factor in this regard is that management is an element that an organization cannot do without and if multiple models of management were to be implemented simultaneously, the resultant could possibly be an [...]
One of the theories applied in the study is the theory of reasoned action, which focuses on the prediction of behavioral intentions, which result from the attitude one develops towards a destination and the intention [...]
What is required is a framework which aids thinking about the task of youth ministry that ensures that Biblical beliefs, values and practices are constantly upheld in our ministry to young people regardless of context.
This citation will provide a great opportunity for hotel industry players to understand the front office standard procedures and the impact they have on branding of the restaurant.
The UAE Water Security Strategy 2036 was unveiled by the Ministry of Energy in 2017 to ensure that access to water during an emergency and normal conditions are sustainable within the internal standards, local regulations, [...]
The second one investigates the driving factors that have contributed to the company's innovation strategy, while the third one explores the relationship between culture and innovation at Apple.
To make an in-depth study of the emergency preparedness plans in the UK and USA including the recommendations of IAEA To compare the emergency preparedness procedures and methods of the UK, the USA and the [...]
The algorithms are applicable on a broad range of applications and specialists have the option of choosing the best algorithm combination to suit the generation of the desired predictive design.
Therefore, the new era of the hotel industry will depend on the extent to which the businesses embrace the technologies and how the millennials respond to them.
Though the dissertation is not connected with the topic of the current project, the approaches and methods used by the author to discuss the barriers in the workforce helped to make the right decisions in [...]
This study also explained the provisions of the IRD that relate to the Goods and Services Tax in Hong Kong. Tax administration of a particular country is a significant concern as the issue of development [...]
The aim of the research is to find "What are the techniques and strategies of VivaKi and Interpublic Mediabrands to influence the Russian consumer?" and the research is targeted towards understanding the amount of influence.
The prevalence rates of HAPIs in the critical care unit at the project site was 14% in 2020 and a month prior to implementation of the project were at 13%.
Furthermore, the rise of second-generation biofuels as a more complex but beneficial alternative is expected, which defines the need for exploring the barriers to such a transition and the effects of the next-generation biofuels on [...]
The operations of Apple's supply chain was strong enough to warrant speculations by observers that the company's grasp on the supply chain was enough to dictate the terms of other players in the chain.
They are designed to identify factors influencing the company's business performance in the Chinese market, to understand the nature of relationships that exist between factors affecting its consumer choices as well as the company's performance, [...]
Training and development functions, with the aim of providing performance backing, are utilizing technological advancements and apparatuses to convey content and assess learning in a more compelling manner for both the learner and the organization.
First, emphasis will be given to explain the concept of inclusion in the educational system and later, the challenges pertaining to the comparison of how inclusion is practised within the Nigerian and UK contexts will [...]
A strand of existing literature demonstrates that organisations continue to benefit from the use of web-based platforms in terms of remaining competitive in the cost and the overall service they offer compared to their competitors, [...]
This chapter covers the background of the study, problem statement, research objectives and hypotheses and the significance of the study. He argues that the inverse relationship between inflation and real stock returns is as a [...]
The aim of this dissertation is to ascertain the importance of aroma in food being served in restaurants in China and the impact that it has on the customers.
The inherent characteristics of construction projects present a number of risks associated with project execution and make the construction projects vulnerable to financial risks.
The project utilizes a quasi-experimental design to choose the sample and manipulate the independent variable, the nursing training program of capnography use during CPR, to influence the dependent variable, the number of CPR cases with [...]
China is known to be lagging in the construction of facilities on cold chain logistics that has led to a considerable amount of pharmaceutical wastage in addition to hindering the speed with which the country's [...]
The main aim of this research study is to analyze the effect of the motivation of the workforce and its impact on the growth of the business organization.
The liberalisation of the European market and the subsequent formation of the European Union have further catalysed the penetration of such companies in the European market.
The importance of mergers and acquisitions in the corporate world stems from their variable advantages, which include increased economies of scale, expansion of the economy of scope, increased revenues, increased market share, development of synergy, [...]
The globalization of the economy, the rapid development of financial markets and instruments traded on them, the complication of relations between economic entities and their business operations at the present stage create favorable conditions for [...]
The last two research questions focus on investigating the challenges experienced by stakeholders in the aviation industry in reducing the carbon blueprint of the sector and discussing additional steps the aviation industry can take to [...]
The selection of this title is to show the reader that this research is to create and suggest a blue print on what is the best practice based on the literature, case studies and interviews, [...]
Arguments made in the essay will support the premise that public relations are equally important in the strategic positioning of countries on both the global and regional levels.
However, the problems of attracting the best people in the market to apply for the jobs that arise have not been fully investigated to determine how the image of the recruiting organisation influences potential applicants [...]
In most international negotiations, these three phases are undertaken at the same time."The negotiation process is a dynamic process, involving a variety of factors related to potential negotiation outcomes,".
In the aviation industry, the effect of the pandemic did not only affect the economy of the industry but other aspects such as the skills and expertise of different employees.
When one is planning to purchase a car, one of the primary considerations is the perception of a car brand. The perception of car brands in the United Kingdom market defines the purchasing pattern of [...]
According to the American Heart Association, hypertension is one of the leading health issues contributing to cardiovascular disease that is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality.
Craddock defines renewable energy policies as "Regulations or incentives that are created to encourage the use of renewable energy, and the main purpose of these policies is to increase the production of renewable energy".
Background of the Study In recent time there has been an increase in the number and frequency of complaints concerning the poor treatment of workers in most industries in China over the past few decades [...]
Objectives Understand the background of the smartphone industry Analyze the smartphone market trends and the role played by the youths in this marekts Understand reasons why youths buy smartphones through a survey on 100 people [...]
For instance, since it is based on contrasting the source language and the foreign language that students are learning, the method fails to recognize the importance of the first language in the process of foreign [...]
The marketing team will have to devise a problem statement that defines the unmet needs of the market in the given product category and the advantages that will accrue to consumers, emotionally and physically, by [...]
Conversely, a brand will encounter negative customer based brand equity if the consumer's reaction to the brand's marketing is unfavourable, or if the consumer has a negative reaction to the brand category in this case, [...]
The foremost aspect of these definitions is the fact that they stress out the insurgency's actual goal as such that is being primarily concerned with the insurgents' intention to take over the political power, "Insurgency [...]
It was revealed that under the PATRIOT Act, a vast programme of domestic surveillance was being conducted by the government; the NSA was shown to have recorded and stored the phone calls and emails of [...]
Further examination of the issue reveals that the problem with EMRs is that the various software designs currently in use, despite the various certifications attributed to them, have yet to reach a point of adaptiveness [...]
Scopes of the study The author of this study has unlimited scopes besides the limitations to conduct research, for instance The researcher has opportunity to examine both negative and positive side of the fishing quota […]
However, to establish the strength of the argument in relation to the importance of online communication, it is crucial to discuss on the definition of graphic design, the functions of graphic design, the functions of […]
For instance, since it is based on contrasting the source language and the foreign language that students are learning, the method fails to recognize the importance of the first language in the process of foreign […]
Conversely, a brand will encounter negative customer based brand equity if the consumer’s reaction to the brand’s marketing is unfavourable, or if the consumer has a negative reaction to the brand category in this case, […]
Whether the changes in the structure and culture of the company are communicated to the suppliers; Do the suppliers in turn communicate the changes in their organizations to the company?
Objectives Understand the background of the smartphone industry Analyze the smartphone market trends and the role played by the youths in this marekts Understand reasons why youths buy smartphones through a survey on 100 people […]
The marketing team will have to devise a problem statement that defines the unmet needs of the market in the given product category and the advantages that will accrue to consumers, emotionally and physically, by […]
It also contains the summary definitions and base theory, the background of the host organization, the rationale for the research area, the research objectives, and the research hypothesis.
Variables The independent variable in this study was the use of Russia of its inherent oil and gas resources as well as investments and its economy ties to the CIS as a form of energy/investment […]
The restrictions in China on companies to have control over them and the liberal nature of the governments in Western countries are compared and the paternalistic nature of the administration and its interference in the […]
Craddock defines renewable energy policies as “Regulations or incentives that are created to encourage the use of renewable energy, and the main purpose of these policies is to increase the production of renewable energy”.
Scopes of the study The University allowed sufficient word limit to organise the paper or bring a proper outcomes from this research; The author has selected an exclusive research project, which gives the chance to […]
Aim It is the final aim of this research to provide a report to guide management in the acquisition, installation and deployment of new useful tools in the call centre which will greatly enhance the […]
Immediately, after the discovery of LNG in the North Sea of UK, import of LNG was ceased by UK and however due to recent fall in the reserves of gas, which compelled the UK to […]
Background of the Study In recent time there has been an increase in the number and frequency of complaints concerning the poor treatment of workers in most industries in China over the past few decades […]
💡 Topics for Argumentative Essay 10000 Words
The multi-dimensional impacts of climate change on vulnerable coastal communities.
The effect of restorative justice practices on reducing recidivism rates.
To what extent does social media impact political participation?
The relationship between income inequality and social unrest.
In what ways does gender inequality in the workplace affect professional opportunities?
Are there long-term effects of childhood trauma on mental health in adulthood?
The socio-economic factors contributing to food insecurity and malnutrition in urban areas.
How does media portrayal of marginalized communities contribute to discrimination?
The ethical implications of data privacy and surveillance in the era of big data.
The impact of cultural appropriation on the preservation of indigenous cultures.
Should genetically modified organisms be embraced as a solution to global hunger?
What is the role of international institutions in addressing global economic inequality?
The challenges and opportunities of integrating renewable energy sources.
Therefore, research on the challenges faced by the TPDF’s Airforce Wing will help the stakeholders take significant step in improving the sector’s capability.
On evaluating the awareness of residents of the United Arab Emirates about the importance and protection of border control and homeland security it is found that the residents of the country are aware of the […]
It was revealed that under the PATRIOT Act, a vast programme of domestic surveillance was being conducted by the government; the NSA was shown to have recorded and stored the phone calls and emails of […]
According to Ronald Labonte and Ted Schrecker, the importance given to health care is influenced by the lifestyle of the people: “contemporary globalization, and in particular contemporary cities, with reference to a “space of flows” […]
The purpose of such blocs, historically, has been the establishment of trade standards, elimination of border restrictions, introduction of common quality, transportation, and inspection regulations, freedom of movement of goods and services, and the adoption […]
The foremost aspect of these definitions is the fact that they stress out the insurgency’s actual goal as such that is being primarily concerned with the insurgents’ intention to take over the political power, “Insurgency […]
The end goals of the country would be to: Increase the amount of foreign direct investments into the country in order to improve its range of local industries Develop better relations within the region as […]
The paper examines the different ways in which the workforce is most effective, how the army currently operates in the UK and how the changes envisaged through the Army 2020 Programme are going to impact […]
✍️ How to Write a 10000 Word Essay
Writing a 10000-word essay may seem overwhelming, but with a well-structured outline, it is a manageable task. In this section, we’ll discuss what a 10000-word paper looks like and what parts it includes.
What Does 10000 Words Look Like?
Obviously, you cannot write a 10000-word paragraph: it would be too challenging to read. Therefore, you should carefully structure your essay to ensure it’s logical and clear. Here’s a 10000-word essay outline you can follow:
Introduction. It usually contains 800-1000 words.
Main Body. Since the main body is long, it is divided into sections, each with its subheading. For example, a 10000-word dissertation usually includes chapters such as literature review, methodology, results, and discussion.
Conclusion. It has the same size as an introduction — 800-1000 words.
The paper may also include an abstract and a table of contents before the introduction.
10000 Word Essay Introduction
The introduction of a 10000-word text should typically be 800-1000 words long. It includes an overview of the topic, the research question or thesis statement, and an explanation of the issue’s significance. In addition, it should present a brief outline of the main body chapters.
The conclusion of a 10000-word article ranges from 800 to 1000 words, just like the introduction. In this final section, you should summarize the key points discussed throughout the paper and restate the thesis statement. Additionally, the conclusion should address any remaining questions or provide suggestions for further research.
A 10000-word paper generally requires around 45 to 50 references. However, the specific number of sources can vary based on the complexity of the topic. In some instances, such as interdisciplinary topics, the reference count may exceed 100. It’s always good to consult your professor regarding the specific reference requirements.
To save you time formatting such a large number of references, check out our free online citation generator.
How to Paraphrase 10000 Words
Writing a 10000-words essay requires a significant amount of paraphrasing. For example, you need to summarize and paraphrase the information from various sources in the literature review. Similarly, in the conclusion, paraphrasing helps to restate the main arguments and findings concisely.
You can always use our paraphrasing tool to reword any text in a few simple clicks for free.
How to Summarize 10000 Words
When writing a 10000 words essay, summarizing becomes essential in several instances. For example, when you support your arguments with evidence, you might need to sum up the information you cite. In the conclusion of your essay, summarize the main points you have presented throughout the paper.
The importance of nutrition is enhanced and the primary approach is to understand the importance of traditional food for the health of the indigenous people.
The transgression from one style to the other, and through the process of breaking the convention Virginia Woolf, in her essay A Room of One’s Own and parodic novel Orlando: An Autobiography, reinstates for her […]
In addition to this, the interaction between the Arabs and the people of the rest of the world has given them an opportunity to know the different cultures of the world and that broadens their […]
This situation was supported by various reports which appeared in the mass media supporting the ‘underexposed’ state of black British actors, the drain of talented black actors from Britain to America, lack of black stars […]
The young tend to be more interested in moving news or continual news that has three dimensions; the notion has created a negative perception to print news media The main question that triggers in the […]
After the publication of the book, Smith received another revelation from John the Baptist who ordained him with the task of restoring the “true” church.[22] Many scholars perceive the book of Mormons to be the […]
Australian libraries have, in some ways, contributed to the misrepresentation and underserving of the Indigenous community, which has overarchingly perpetuated levels of distrust towards information systems.
This Dissertation critically illustrates the perceptions and attitudes of tourists to the ICT implication in the practice of heritage tourism in China, the response of the tourism industry, and the factors affecting the motivation and […]
Music festivals are sources of entertainment and pleasure, and they provide opportunities for actuality and being in the right place. The prime objective of most of the festivals is to fulfil the specific needs of […]
The main difference between the two is the fact that in the public sector, the employees work for the government in that they are paid salaries from the government while in the private sector, the […]
The dissertation evaluates the strategies of MTR Corporation to increase its profits under the global recessionary economy and to do so the study would examine the external and internal environment of the company, organisational structure […]
In this report are analyzed external and internal environment of Amazon.com to assess the firm’s competitive position in the online retail industry to develop a strategic plan.
For this reason, the group embarked on a research and a number of discussions with EWB to come up with the best design to address the problem of waste management in the area.
As soon as the market for entering is identified, it is necessary to conduct a market analysis and understand the peculiarities of market growth, customers’ needs, forecasted demand, possible barriers, and even the role of […]
While most of the contemporary graphic designers are thankful for the contribution that internet communication has made in the graphic design industry, others mostly the ‘old school’ designers abhor the internet due to the problems […]
It is clear that it is not the presence of oil that is the criteria for development. According to a report by the newspaper ‘Independent’ many African nations with a healthy GDP is not using […]
The problem of photography is twofold: the problem of representation, and the presumption of reality that the photographic images elicits in the viewer the pervasive belief that a photograph depicts a referent, a real “how […]
The HIV attacks the body in the form of mRNA, which attacks the nucleus of the T cells and immediately replicates its DNA using the material in the host cells.
This aspect can be reinforced by the explanation of Ashling J.in the journal article ‘Internet companies invest in china’ as the growth of usage of the internet and e-commerce has been on the decline in […]
Although the folktales differ based on the kinds of food that the ogres eat and the food that the ogre uses to trap the children, the fact is that in all the folk tales food […]
Further examination of the issue reveals that the problem with EMRs is that the various software designs currently in use, despite the various certifications attributed to them, have yet to reach a point of adaptiveness […]
Pertaining to the assignment process, a proper assignment process should comprise steps aimed at the understanding of project priority, development of linkages between the strengths of each of the project managers and project demands, and […]
The Lead Generation is beneficial for both, the buyer and seller as it make it easy for the customer to get the information about the relative product or service they are offered and for the […]
✒️ Topics for Persuasive Essay with 10000 Words
The importance of implementing stricter gun control laws for public safety.
Does comprehensive sex education promote healthy relationships and reduce teenage pregnancy?
The benefits of implementing renewable energy sources to combat climate change.
Can stricter texting and driving laws reduce distracted driving?
The benefits of comprehensive immigration policies for economic growth and innovation.
📌 10000 Word Essay: Answers to the Most Pressing Questions
📌 10000 Word Essay Is How Long?
How long is a 10000-word essay? It will typically be 40 pages double-spaced or 20 pages single-spaced. The exact number of pages a 10000 words essay takes will depend on the citation style you use, the number of your footnotes (if you have any), and the length of your bibliography section.
📌 How Many Paragraphs Are in a 10000 Word Essay?
How much is 10000 words in paragraphs? A typical academic paragraph contains 100 to 150 words. So, a 10000-word essay will consist of 67-70 paragraphs.
📌 10000 Words Is How Many Sentences?
How many sentences is a 10000-word essay? A typical sentence in academic writing consists of 15-20 words. So, 10000 words are not less than 500-503 sentences.
📌 How to Write a 10000-Word Paper Outline?
A 10000-word paper requires a very thorough approach to researching, outlining, and writing. You’ll rarely need to write an essay of such a length. 10000-word volume is more suitable for a term paper, research paper, or scholarly article. Apart from the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion, you can be required to include other parts like an abstract, literature review, methodology, results, and discussion. The details will depend on the exact requirements.
📌 How Fast Can You Write a 10000 Word Essay?
How long does it take to write a 10000-word essay? It will take you 3-7 hours to type 10000 words on your keyboard (the total time will depend on your typing speed). Writing an academic paper will take more time because you’ll have to research, make an outline, write, format, and edit your text. It would be best if you planned to spend around 33 and a half hours for a 10000-word paper.
📌 How to Reduce Word Count in a 10000-Word Essay?
The easiest way to do that is to get rid of the less important arguments you consider in your 10000-word essay. Rank your arguments and eliminate those weaker. Another idea is to edit your paper in order to make sentences shorter. For instance, you can remove some of the adverbs.