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Environmental Policy and Economics

That is if the rights are allocated, and the transaction costs are missing, then the externalities need to be internalized. Any rise in the transaction costs means that one party may find it difficult to [...]

Stratasys: How to Deliver Value

As a result, the authorities of the company made a statement that their efforts in the short-term growth strategy will be directed at the management of finances and the adjustment of the company expenses to [...]

Annual Report Usefulness Understanding

The market concentration, the function of the number of firms, and their respective shares of the total production in the market, can also be judged and analysed for a better understanding of the company's overall [...]

Academy of Management

The academy of management is the most significant and the largest professional association in the world whose main goal is facilitating and equipping scholars with information about management and organization. This is another major topic [...]

The Impacts of the Second World War on Asia

The period after the Second World War saw the emergence and expansion of the world economies. Countries such as Japan and China started rebuilding their economies so as to compete with the rest of the [...]

Telehealth and Its Use in Oncology

The nurses played a crucial role in the development and implementation of the telehealth initiative, as they were the ones who directly communicated with and evaluated cancer patients. The use of telehealth as a quality [...]