1100-Word Essay Examples. Page 39

7,104 samples

‘Brother I’m Dying’

The main theme in her book highlights the lives of families of Haitians in the US. She believes the impact of the US stay is the cause of constant devastations and rebuilding, self governance and [...]

Paul’s Case Theme

The author has employed the use of character, action and imagery to bring out the three themes, viz.harm of relentlessness to achieving ones dreams, the danger of misunderstanding money and wealth, and the effect of [...]

“Mona Lisa Smile” by Mike Newell

The President warns Katherine and orders her to follow the syllabus failure to which she would lose her job. Also, she agrees with her because she does not like the fact that she is among [...]

The Main Causes of Youth Violence

Access to Guns and the Influence of the Media Shooting is one of the most common forms of youth violence, and guns are the primary weapons of perpetrators.

Nike Distribution Channels Essay

At the moment, it is estimated that Nike holds a global market share of close to 40%. The phenomenal success of Nike is attributed to good product designing and awesome marketing.

Procrastination Essay

In both cases, people procrastinate because they fear the consequences of their actions and prefer to live in uncertainty. These are serious obstacles on the way to success and life satisfaction, which is why it [...]

Fire Safety Essay

While the role of fighting fire is designated to firefighters, organizations should do whatever it takes in their capacity to ensure fire is avoided.

Marxist Analysis

Therefore, Marxist analysis of a capitalism system on the international scale shows that it entails accumulation of capital from the poor countries into the rich countries thus causes global inequality and class struggles among nations.

Behavioral theory

I can say that the behavior I have acquired is highly influenced by the way I was brought up. I have seen this affect the relationship I have with my family, though I have a [...]

Religious Practitioners

The history of Jesus Christ deeds, confirms to us that, people had to turn to him whenever they needed assistance, and this has facilitated most of people to join religious groups as a way of [...]

Nokia Change Management

Management team in Nokia Corporation maintained that, for the company to perform, it required exploiting the vast experience and knowledge; its employees possessed. The company then disseminated the ideas to employees and customers through the [...]

“Heidi” by Johanna Spyri

When her aunt's life is strained by her career, she decides to take Heidi to live with her grandfather. However, her grandfather is too protective of the young Heidi, and he does not allow her [...]

Google’s Strategic Goals

The global market for mobile devices continues to grow, which will has a direct impact on the company's operations in the market. This approach has enabled the firm to stay competitive in its industry.

The Akan Clan System

The Akan people believe that the family is the most important unit of the society. It is important to note that the Akan people honor their ancestors and are proud of their roots.

The Theories of Theatre’s Origins

The play's inspiration was the Greek mythology a part of the Greek religion. The governing body of the city convened and decided whether to allow the staging of a Corpus Christi play.

“Salaam Bombay!” (1988) by Mira Nair

Consequently, the story also incorporates a variety of themes and ideas that are interesting to explore in terms of the functioning of the society, the role of the city in marginalization and poverty, and human [...]

Third-World Feminism Analysis

Although the primary aim of western feminists is centered on the issues women face, the beliefs of the third world consist of various tenets compared to western feminist interpretations.

The Invention of Internet

Several events led to the advancement of the internet in the world today. The level of computer literacy in the world played a leading role in the advancement of internet as teachers and students wanted [...]

“The Nose” by Nikolai Gogol

Much of the satire derives from these oppositions and from the fact that it is impossible to reliably describe the difference between doubles and opposites."The Nose" treats the seriousness of life with comicality; the author [...]