1600 Word Essay Topics & Paper Examples. Page 5

1,773 samples

Theatre for Development Workshops and Initiatives

As a result the locals have embraced the scope of theatre and this has helped in promoting theatre for development. The application of theatre for development thus contributed to the recognition of identity research, in-house [...]

Rasquache as an Art Philosophy

In this essay Rasquache encompasses the following characteristics: In Rasquache there are the elements of a have-not, the use of creativity in transforming otherwise useless materials into valuable products, and the need for sentimental value [...]

Nanjing Massacre as Japan’s Denied War Crime

There is no doubt that the Nanjing massacre belongs on the list of the most terrible events in the history of China, especially those associated with the more than eight-year-long second war between the Empire [...]

Religion in American Society

In 1978, the United States Congress enacted the Indian American Religious Freedom Act that supported the protection and preservation of the freedom to believe and practice customary religions amongst Indian American s, Eskimos, Aleuts, and [...]

Memories as a Time Traps

One of the most peculiar things about my experience was that the tenser and the more uncomfortable the environment which I lived in became for me, the more alluring and exciting the world of memories, [...]

Campaign Brief on Nike

Reliability from the products Comfort when using the shoes Lightweight and agile equipment The company is able to deliver these requirements to the sports men and women who are the target market.

Pepsi and Coke Competition

The degree of rivalry in the carbonated soft industry is highlighted by two major brands: Pepsi and Coke. In the past decade, Pepsi and Coke have entered into the bottled water market.

Coca-Cola Company Environment

Coca-Cola Company has diversified its products, and over 500 brands are marketed in the global markets by the company. The demand for carbonated drinks has been on the decline, and this has reduced the sales [...]

Google Company Analysis

In the case of Google, the company has got the following strengths. Recent new items As a company which is in the information sector, Google has been working towards establishing links and coming up with [...]

Walmart in the South

The implementation of NAFTA helped to solve most of the problems that Walmart was facing. As a result of the new manufacturing companies, Walmart does not need to import some of the products.

Evaluating Obama’s Presidency

The president has also recognized the need to make adjustments in the education sector in order to produce graduates who fits in the global workplace. In his presidency, Obama has recognized the importance of the [...]

The Culture of Ancient Greece

The Archaic period and the Classical periods are separated by the Persian Wars and the reign of Alexander the Great is taken as separating the Classical from the Hellenistic periods.

Racism and Ethnicity in Latin America

The problem of the relationship between races, the interaction of different nations in a complicated multicultural and multiracial society has always attracted the attention of scientists and ordinary people.

Economics of Effective Management

Often the relationship between long-range goals and the day-to-day activities of the governing body and the management staff is not clear. Effective strategic planning and decision-making have a crucial impact on the realization of the [...]

Affirmative Action and Reverse Discrimination

Fourth, affirmative action is a policy designed to redress alleged cases of past discrimination, in which the injured members of the discriminated group are placed in the position they would have been in but for [...]

Are We Who We Think We Are?

Aside from the many emotional and psychological problems that may ensue, and the possibility of addiction to something more exciting or controllable than real life, there is a further problem when the stated aim is [...]

Ideal Society by Plato

The task of the social leaders is to orient to interests of the majority in order to avoid the opposition of the public which can lead to revealing the negative qualities of people living in [...]

Napoleon’s Retreat from Moscow

Most of his paintings focused on battle scenes, especially the events that occurred during Napoleonic Wars."Some of his great works included the Prussian Attack and Napoleon's retreat from Moscow which depicts the failure of the [...]