1650-Word Essay Examples. Page 25

3,008 samples

The Indian Agriculture Sector

Given the significance of the agricultural sector to the economy, the government introduced the 11th five-year plan to provide support and incentives to farmers and other stakeholders in order to enhance production of food.

Architecture. Individual Project

The project, which will be described in this paper is planned with the requirements, entailing the aesthetic correctness of the lines, and endurance of the construction, as well as the ergonomic location of all the [...]

Emergence of Islam in the Middle East

Following one of the popular versions, Islam emerged because of the unique cultural peculiarities of the area and spread to the Middle East through the conversion, which implied a missionary mission, prolonged interaction, and formation [...]

Yemen Revolution and Foreign Involvement

Following the bloodshed and killing of Yemeni protesters, the International community had to intervene in the Yemeni revolution. The main contribution of the international community in solving the Yemeni conflict stems from the power of [...]

Capra Tek: The Risk Management

The quantitative risk analysis involved in developing a personal security device includes a tabulation of the risk register through risk identification, risk planning, assessment, and evaluation of the risks to provide recommendations.

Effective Change Management

In order to have an effective change process, it is therefore advisable to have a good plan that will promote change in an organization. One of the factors that are necessary in organizational change is [...]

Challenges for Saudi Arabian Labour Market

The increase resulted from a balanced integration of increased oil prices, escalating government expenditure, and the progression in the non-oil private sector, which contributed about 35% of the GDP, an indication that the country's government [...]

Ordinary Men by Christopher R. Browning

The author set out to Germany to investigate the suspicious circumstances surrounding the success of the Holocaust. The main reason why the author chose to start the book with a cliffhanger is to capture the [...]

Competition in the Market

2 The presence of competition in the market will ensure that there is efficiency as competitive markets equate the marginal cost to the average cost of goods that are brought to the market.

History of the Barbarians

The population bordering the Roman Empire included "the Irish and Picts of the British Isles, the highly civilized Persians on the Syrian Frontier, the Berbers of North Africa, Asiatic nomads like the Sarmatians, and many [...]

Sustainable Tourism Analysis

At the same time, society is witnessing the industry's diversification in terms of new directions and markets, the growing influence of new technologies, and a change in the structure of consumer needs.

The Prophets of the Old Testament

One of the major characteristics of the OT prophets was their role as advocates of Mosaic covenant where prophets of Moses regime were to remain committed and possess forth faithfulness to protecting and implementing the [...]

Whooping Cough

As one of the essential contributors to serious illnesses in people of all ages, pertussis is considered to be one of the most dangerous conditions that affect babies.