2200-Word Essay Examples. Page 18

2,919 samples

Crisis in the Banking System of Korea

The major functions of the central bank are the formulation of policies that affect the whole of the banking industry, they also regulate the other banks most so the commercial banks and act as the [...]

Early Chinese Laborers: The Canadian Experience

In the current exploration, how early Chinese laborers were depicted in the literature of Chinese Canadian authors is expected to shed light on the issues of that time and further the understanding of the challenges [...]

Brand Management

For an organization to ensure that its product is available to its customers in the right place and at the right time, it needs to have a clear distribution strategy.

Japan’s Imperial Expansion

One of the primary outcomes of the war was the fact that it was the first victory of an Asian state over a western state in the modern times.

Christianity Versus Judaism

It is also notable that most of the differences between the two regions are based from the fact that Christianity incorporates the New Testament as part of the holy scriptures of God.

Strategic Marketing: Apple Inc.

This is one of the main mottos of Apple, as development and accountability are the company's key intentions in reference to itself and the stakeholders. The communication between Apple and its customers is to be [...]


The problem of management of the Coca-Cola Company in China is just one of the examples of the problems that are faced with in the management of subsidiary firms of multinational corporations.

The Coca-Cola Brand

Marketing mix is a deliberate plan by the organization to control all the products components that is the product itself, the price, the place where the product will be found and the promotion of the [...]

Abortion’s Pros and Cons

Abortion, if legalized would curb unnecessary maternal deaths, in that, it would be done in the open and mothers would not be afraid of consulting qualified personnel for the same.

New Jersey Bill A495 on Abortion

This paper aims to review the New Jersey Bill A495, the differences in the legislation process between New Jersey and other states, provide a personal position on the issue of abortion, and discuss the impact [...]

The Google Company’s Financial Strains

The provision of funds by the parties that partnered with Google Company helped in the successful establishment, development and expansion of the company to its current level at which it is a recognized multinational company.

ligopoly in Daily Life

In this type of market structure, "the market is comprised of a large number of small market players offering identical products". Moreover, the market is characterized by the existence of perfect knowledge of the products' [...]

Issue of Impression Management

The outstanding objective behind the adoption and implementation of this concept is to influence the image of a specific company and meet the needs of both external and internal stakeholders.

Qantas Management

Also key in the success of the company is a focus on the development of the company's strategies around four major areas of competency which are attraction of new customers, management of company fleet of [...]

Samsung’s Ethical Dilemma of Child Labor

The paper will critically analyze the ethical dimensions of the dilemma from the perspective of the utilitarian ethical theory. It will be argued that according to the fundamental principles of the theory, the company's behavior [...]

South West Airlines Analysis

With respect to this, it is clear that the management of the airline identified the current turbulent business environment conditions and quickly created the urgency and need for change as they realized that change was [...]

Organizational Change in YAI NETWORK

At the beginning of the change management process, the organization should initially carry out a systematic diagnosis to determine the need for change and capability of the company to make the change.

Balanced Scorecard: Chick-Fil-A

One of the major aims of Chick-fil-A supply chain management is to ensure that that goods used in manufacture are of the right quality and quantity; this goes ahead as it is reflected in the [...]