750 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 8

1,651 samples

English Composition Course Design

In today's English composition course, the goals are to "acquire basic professional skills in writing, editing, and proofreading, to learn the fundamentals of linguistics, and to gain a thorough knowledge of literature written in English".

Ex-Offenders Struggle to Find Jobs

The services an online career resource center must provide in order to meet the needs of former prisoners reentering the legal employment market are the help with transitional issues, counseling, and advice about stabilization, survival, [...]

The Chemical Composition of Food

Secondly, the liver makes most of the cholesterol in the body which is still not important and the body takes only about 50% of the cholesterol in the food eaten and the rest is eliminated [...]

Accounting Profession Breakdown

Accounting is one of the careers expected to continue growing given the current competition in international business and the need for accurate financial information, needed in making critical business decisions.

Visual Art and Photography

Ice Sculpting is truly an art of its own, and even though this style of art is not permanent, unless a person were to place the item into the freezer, this would still be categorized [...]

Expression Symptoms of Depression

A major finding of the critique is that although the research method and design are appropriate to this type of study, the results may be speculative in their validity and reliability as the researchers used [...]

Exotic Becomes Erotic Theory Design

His critics argue that the theory neglects women's experiences in addition to the fact that his interpretation of sexual orientation antecedents was greatly misplaced. He admits that his theory had failed to provide a working [...]

Trading in Shares by Listing

Trading in shares is regenerative in that once a company is listed in the stock market and made an entrance through an IPO-initial public offer, the shares would stay in the market circulating for as [...]

Visual Research: Edward Burtynsky

It shows the part of the high-density Niger Delta region that is contaminated with oil and its by-products. For the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the image was printed in 99.

Listening to Classical Music

This whole thing repeats, but with more complication, and then moves into a slower part like a waltz added in, and then the notes repeat the up and down pattern that sounded like shallow waterfall [...]

“Faces of State Terrorism” by Laura Westra

The book is a remarkable read for students and scholars of international relations, who may be interested in understanding how state and non-state actors in non-aligned and developing nations appear to rationalize acts of terrorism [...]

Poverty in Africa

These pictures have been published online to show the world the gravity of the poverty situation in the African continent. The pictures represent the suffering of majority of the African people as a result of [...]

Uses of EEG Waves to Control MIDI

Additionally, the methods of notes assignment through average intervals of waves of bandwidth will be tested to establish the similarity between the waves and notes in different groups.

Linear Equations Comprehensive Study

Rene refined the idea of the standard notation equation of a line given as y=mx + b, m which represents the slope and determines the change in y for every unit change in x, b [...]

Nursing Community Based Intervention

The main idea of the research is to measure the effectiveness of faith community nurse. The research results are positive as the intervention trial helped improve general health condition of subjects in intervention group.

Dental Caries Among Adults

The initial goal of the study is to find a connection between the caries severity and low income, frequency of visits to the dentist, and using the community benefits among the Brazilian adults.