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Learners’ Listening Behavior Patterns

Finally, implications discussed by the author include the need to offer different approaches to and support of online discussions, as well as probably review the general expectations from these discussions and students participating in them.

Researching of Roman Empire Art

The Roman Empire's art and sculptures depict the opulence and power of the Empire while also providing a glimpse into the everyday life of the people who lived during that time.

National Security: The Role of Government

Regardless, states can better ensure the safety and security of their citizens due to access to financial and military resources, diplomatic recognition, and constitutional powers that allow them to design policies and strategies to uphold [...]

Midshaft Fracture of Humerus

Open reduction refers to the slitting of the limbs to access the bones and the fix in the right manner. However, this process is normally subject to the severity of the fracture, the patient's wellbeing, [...]

Water Pollution and Associated Health Risks

The results of plenty of studies indicate the existence of the relation between the contamination of water by hazardous chemicals and the development of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, cancer, asthma, allergies, as well as reproductive [...]

Crime and Victimization Trends

In this way, the UCR can be efficiently used as the primary tool for the analysis of the regional crime rate dynamics while the data collected from the NCVS and the NIBRS can be implemented [...]

Analysis of Aspects of Uber Company

They include worldwide brand recognition, pricing, market domination, the safety policy, the communication approach, and service satisfaction, and each of them will be discussed in detail below: Worldwide brand recognition.

Slave Voyages and Trade Seasonality

Since the dawn of the civilization people adhered to a pattern that implied the exploitation of the representatives of a certain social group to obtain benefits and guarantee the further evolution of society in this [...]

Recommendations on Reversing Change Errors

In order to create a clear picture of the above description, there is a need to create systematic change initiatives that address the needs through prioritization of different change instruments to ensure that the outcome [...]

Public Schooling: Funding by the Property Tax

Eventually, in the mid-to-late 1800s, some states, especially in the northern and northeastern United States, began passing state laws requiring that all children be offered or required to attend school up to a certain level [...]

Business Model Used by Airbnb

One of the innovations that have enabled the company to attain massive growth is the development of an effective website allowing the host to list their cottages, apartments, and homes.

Tesla and Kodak: Business Strategy Coherence

On the one hand, the brand is associated with the popularization of electric vehicles and high automatization. The coherence of the decision aligns with the capabilities of the organization, which is to create innovative and [...]

Bacteriophages in Modern Science

The use of bacteriophages does not limit the use of other drugs and does not affect their effectiveness. It is one of the problems of preclinical studies in many animal models and clinical studies in [...]