1350-Word Essay Examples. Page 30

4,220 samples

Peoples Food and Policy

Thus, analysis of the relationship between agriculture and the environment is of great significance to researchers in the contemporary society. It is evident that continued production in agricultural sector will be determined by the understanding [...]

Ethics of Bernie Madoff

Thirdly, the firm was completely lacking in integrity since the financial statements of investments were fake and there were no real investment of the investors' funds as they were led to believe.

The Enlightment: The Science of Freedom

In America, enlightment resulted to the formation of the American Revolution in the form of resistance of Britain imperialism. In the United States of America, enlightment took a more significant form as demonstrated by the [...]

Human Response to Physical Structures

Indeed Jonas Salk, an American Scientist credited with inventing the polio vaccine is quoted in the Scientificamerica magazine as having said that he had to drastically change his environment from his dimly lit basement lab [...]

A Review of the Child Labour, Its Perspectives

Child labour can be described any form of economic improving activity for children under the age of 12 depending on the individual state that compromises the child's right to health, quality education and all work [...]

Human and Sexuality: Orgasm

The book is written by co-authors to illustrate substantial hypothesis of human sexuality in correspondence with social factors how an individuals, social animal experiences sexual functioning, variations of sexual behaviors on the behalf of individualistic [...]

Sun Microsystems Corporation’s Analysis

The company specializes in offering computer servers, workstations, and storage software and information technology services and is one of the largest software firms in the United States with numerous overseas branches including the United Kingdom, [...]

The Theory and Praxis of PR

Befitting the broad communicative services scope of Chime, itself a listed and full-service marketing communications spin-off of Lowe Howard Spink and Bell that engages in public relations, above-the-line advertising, digital production and communications, marketing, consumer [...]

The History of Hula: Art Analysis

This form of hula is performed along with song and the more modern instruments of the Western side, like guitar, the 'ukulele, and the double bass.

Ascent: Building a Learning Company

There was limited contact and interaction between the top management and the employees and also there were no meetings that were held between the management team and the employees of the company.

Contemporary Culture and Pop Art

To understand the essence of pop Art better, the connection between the This is not a Pipe by Foucault and Plato and the Simulacrum by Deleuze and the works of pop art can be of [...]

The Chicago Board of Trade

The future prices in the future contracts were determined by the equilibrium between the market forces of demand and supply at the time of exchange of the contract.

The Chemistry Behind Mineral Make-Up

According to the US Food and Drug Administration, cosmetics include all compounds or products that are applied to the body with the aim of beautifying, boosting attractiveness or improving the physical appearance without generally altering [...]

A Survey of the Aerospace Industry in China

It will be outlining the operational efficiency, financial and workforce efficiency in the commercial and military aviation developments, and the underlying factors behind the successful development of this industry in modern china.

Postharvest Biology and Technology

Whereas one-way variance analysis is used in measurement of the significance of the effects of a single factor, two way variance analyses facilitates measurement of the effects of two factors/variables simultaneously.

Economic Analysis of Brazil

Brazil is the fifth country in the world according to the population rates. Overall the increase in price is observed and this is called markup for prices the percentage of the cost added to initial [...]

Parable of the Sower

The context in which the book is written is of essence as it helps in connecting the ideas presented by the author as well as the opinions and critics provided by other authors in regard [...]

Abstract Painters: Transforming the Reality

4 Subjective response: Reminding of a waterfall, the artwork introduces the audience to a world of the surreal. The mixture of colours creates the environment for developing a synaesthesia and literally hearing the colours create [...]