1500 Words Essay Examples & Research Topic Ideas. Page 2

1,352 samples

Politics and Presidential Administrations

The history of the United States from the period of Reconstruction to the Progressive Era between 1877 and 1900 involved the rise of industrialization within the country which saw an increase in economic growth, enabling [...]

Explorations of Iconography

This, of course, was meant to emphasize the fact that Venus's godliness is being reflective of her physiological constitution of a woman, capable of breastfeeding.

The Role of Lenses in Optics

Harris proposes that the focal length relates to the concave and convex lenses because it is part of that system, when it is looked at in relation to the focal point, thus defined as the [...]

“Common Sense” by Thomas Paine

Paine does not see the necessity of a government because to him the government is the worst tool of oppression. Paine is opposed to the idea that America has flourished under the surveillance of Britain.

Human Rights Interventions

Mindful declarations therefore strive to educate and promote the respect for rights and freedoms and implementation of progressive measures that secure the recognition of the importance and observance of the freedoms and rights3.

Business Plan of Agro-Wrom in 2010

The product development plan will tell the consumer the purpose of bringing a new product or service into the market and the necessary marketing strategy that the company intends to follow in order to achieve [...]

Women in Early Christianity

Most of the research on women in early Christianity has grown out of the contemporary debate over the ministry and priesthood of women, with the result that the literature is heavily weighted in favor of [...]

Material Life of the Chinese

In addition to use of food as a gesture of goodwill, silver and silk hold a significant position with regard to expression of courtesy for an act of appreciation of ones life. The size and [...]

Crude oil and U.S. Gasoline market

This view of the global demand of crude oil as a factor towards the price of both crude oil and that of gasoline is derived from the study of the prices of the two commodities [...]

Photoshop Beauty in Modern Society

In the case of modern day photographers the use of extensive photoshopping in order to change the appearance of models can be likened to the actions of history's artists in that their very survival depends [...]

Genre Analysis: Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl's innovative representation of technology as a character, via the faceless narration of the blogger, Gossip Girl herself, and the literal aural depiction of gossip as it goes viral via personal mobile devices in [...]

The Story of Qin Ju and Ermo

Concerning 'The story of Qin Ju', the main actress Qin Ju although she is expectant and she was in her last trimester could not burry her head in the sand after seeing her husband kicked [...]

Speech Genre

However, the presenter of a speech genre is free to use accent to express individuality and is capable of mixing genres from diverse spheres.

The battle of Normandy

This battle was and still remains one of the most significant occurrences of contemporary history as the united forces shattered the core of the Nazi troops and as a result speeding up the devastation of [...]

Knowledge Management in DHL Company

In this light, it will focus and analyse the company based on the people who surround the company, the technology that the company has employed and the processes it has implemented in its operations.

Gender Studies: Women’s Rights in Saudi Arabia

This paper will review the a issue of women's rights in Saudi Arabia from the perspective of four different groups including the modern Saudi women, traditional Saudi women, Government officials, and international women's rights organizations.