1600 Word Essay Topics & Paper Examples. Page 10

1,773 samples

Software As A Service

This paper will discuss the software industry, impacts of competition in the market, the rampant changes in software development as well as other issues involved in the software industry.

Sex Offender Registration and Notification

Megan's Law is served to notify the vast majority of sexual offenders in society; its study allows to analyze the impact of the law on inhabitants of New Jersey, its effects and effectiveness, and the [...]

Methods of Defense in “On Liberty” by J.S.Mill

In particular, The Federalist Papers cover several topics disclosing the utility of the ratification with regard to the political prosperity, inconsistent policy of the Confederation toward preserving the Union, the necessity of introducing the Constitution [...]

The Nazi Holocaust’s Effects

This study aims at analyzing the claim that social and psychological effects of the Holocaust linger in areas of political systems in which the survivors of the holocaust currently reside.

E. & J. Gallo Winery

Gallo Winery is the family-owned winery which is considered to be one of the biggest in the whole world in the relation to family business and largest exporter of wine in California.

Marketing Plan for All4Skills

As an organization built on the fundamentals of growing an informed set of youth who will take the community to the next stage, we pride in unlocking the potentials of the young people.

Abortion and Its Effects

The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the act of abortion and offer suggestions from the research on ways of availing it as a medical procedure to eliminate the social stigma associated with [...]

Virgin Blue Airline Company

The goal of marketing its flight services like catering has perhaps been the major cause of its recent growth and ability to counter intensive competition in the Australian airline market.

Managing Technology: Synthes Inc

The company has established itself as a market leader and innovating company that specializes in the production and marketing of products for surgical fixation, correction, and regeneration of skeleton and related soft tissues.

Human Resource Management in Taqnyah

The process begins with the planning of the workforce to determine the needed skills and competency for prospective new employees. The first step involves the evaluation of the talent in the company.

The Protection of Consumer Welfare

The Household Preferences over the Two Goods with Similar Policy Implications on the Household Items In Terms Of the Utility and Level of Consumption of the Two Goods Convex indifference curves are extensively used in [...]

The Most Influential Musician from 1870-1950

This paper seeks to answer the question, 'which musician had much influence to the society between 1870 and 1950?' The methodology of answering this question will be based on the influence that the musician had [...]

Irrigation System Strategy

The amount of water that is applied during irrigation depends on certain factors among them the type of the crop, variability and type of soil, field size, labor needs and the method used in applying [...]

Case in Supply Chain Management

In addition, the company is mainly operating in Colorado and California The significant pain of the ACME company is the trouble to cover long distances in supplying their customers.

The Health Policy of New South Wales

Management refers to the use of work policies and professional ethics to run an organisation, management in nursing refers to the application of various management practices to ensure an individual offers quality services to patients.


To implement this step, the management team of the old Bancolombia would have performed a self-evaluation before the initiation of the deal.

Albaco Shoes Ltd Export Strategy

Thus, the export strategy is expected to enable it to export its products to Norway. The rapid growth of Norway's footwear market is the main opportunity that is available to Albaco.

Science Center NEMO: New Look

Thus, when McKinsey & Company decided to occupy the top floor of the famous Piano's Nemo Museum of Science, they addressed professionals who managed to turn the museum space into a working place.[2] The company [...]

McGraw-Hill Company Analysis

Management A major strength that ensures there are no delays in making decisions in the company is that the management is structured as vertical-horizontal, and the company has one CEO that performs the functions as [...]

Health care for all

This reality has two implications: that health care is important to a countries economy and that there is need for the government to think of ways to provide universal health care.

Training & Development

Training and development is therefore very important as it helps the organization to achieve its objectives. It is also important to note that training and development enhances risk management as well as image of the [...]