1900-Word Essay Examples. Page 5

1,677 samples

Singapore: Tourism Industry Analysis

Research on the preferences and habits of Japanese tourists is important not only to the Singapore tourism industry but can also be useful to other tourist destinations frequented by Japanese tourists.

Slavery in the World

The first independent state in the western hemisphere, the United States of America, was formed as a result of the revolutionary war of North American colonies of England for Independence in 1775-1783.

Deciphering the Indus Script

The climax of the book is, however, the theophany in Chapter 11, in which Krishna, the incarnate God and inseparable friend of Arjuna, reveals himself to the latter in his 'supreme form as the Lord'.

Legal Causation in the Context of Homicide

In the medieval doctrine, a question about the causal connection was examined especially in the context of a homicide, and the very concept "of causing", because of which in particular the tendency to soften the [...]

Walt Whitman About Abraham Lincoln

Though throughout the poem the name of the president is not mentioned it can be easily understood that it is mourning for a public figure as a lot of people "with a thousand voices rising [...]

Twin Peaks and Misogyny

Diane Stevenson in "Family Romance, Family Violence, and the Fantastic" supports the position of the previous author by assuming that children and women are frequently abused and the problem was so significant that the first [...]

Puritan Young Men in 1650s

Thus it would be in place to point out that the basic premise of Puritanism is that God is supreme and is in control of all human affairs, especially in the church and this control [...]

Theory of Operant Conditioning

The distinction between negative reinforcement and punishment is that in the former "the aversive consequence is used to increase the future occurrence of a wanted behavior" whereas in the latter the "aversive consequence is used [...]

French Revolution in World History

The French revolution, in this part of the world at least, was the inspiration for all subsequent uprisings and revolts throughout Europe in the nineteenth century and its ideals, in part, are visible in many [...]

“The Course of Empire” by Thomas Cole

Each of the paintings surprises with its uniqueness and expressiveness, but the sense of the paintings is even more striking."The Course of the Empire" changes the ideas of American people about other nations and their [...]

Language in R&B and Country Songs

Carrie Underwood sings country and her "Inside of Your Heaven" belongs to this genre."Deja vu" is written in colloquial language, while the lyrics of "Inside Your Heaven" can serve as an example of literary language; [...]

Online Video Games Addiction

The changes are far-reaching: the definition of online video game; the nature of the information 'commons' for the citizen; the right of privacy in communicated expressions; the regulation of information infrastructures; the definition of information [...]

Economy of Russia: Analysis

The framework designed by the state authorities is quite different from the Western counterpart because it is supposed to represent the needs of the Russian people and be applicable to the environment of the target [...]

The Forms of Openness by Bloom

The learner should be able to figure out the type of questions they are supposed to ask. The students should ask essential questions that are relevant to the topic of discussion in class.

Classic Tragedies: Term Definition

In the genre of literature, the word tragedy can be loosely applied to mean any serious and dignified drama that gives a description of the conflict that is existent between the protagonist and a superior [...]