2100-Word Essay Examples. Page 9

1,620 samples

History of the Jews and the Holocaust

The Nazi regime and its partners became the pioneers of the Holocaust. That being the case, the anti-Semitism ideas and prejudices experienced in Germany before the Second World War led to the infamous Holocaust.

Australian Women Small Business Owners

This paper is a discussion of the available literature on female business owners in Australia, a summary of the views of one female entrepreneur, and recommendations that can be adapted to encourage more women to [...]

Confucian Ethics

An example, of a group of people who have not mastered the concept of Li, may be judges who make their decisions based on their understanding of the law and not the prevailing special circumstances [...]

The life and Works of Titian

Other exemplary masterpieces of Titian include the "Miracle Of The Speaking Infant" and the "Miracle Of The Irascible Son" in which the latter has a beautiful background landscape which has captured the eyes of many [...]

Burmese Pythons

This paper covers the impact of the Burmese python on Florida's native diversity, the factors that have led to its rapid increase and why it poses a great danger to the natural habitat of South [...]

Racism Is Not All About Individual Attitude

Solomos.argues that the Report has a vague definition of what constitutes institutional racism as "the definition reflects the frustrations of activists involved in the Stephen Lawrence campaign with the everyday racism and plain ignorance that [...]

The Fate of the Euro

Economist and financial analysts argue that the stability and the value strength of the currency have been a liability and an asset to the members' states.

Classical and Behavioural Approaches

This is an essay which compares the classical approach to the management and behavioral approach to the management. Due to the importance of management with regard to an organization's growth and success, it is important [...]

Comets and asteroids

Atkinson argues that in the event of a collision with the earth, a blanket of dust could cover the earth, a near darkness situation could ensue, normal plant and animal chemical activities could stop due [...]

State Sanctioned Intimacy

Intimacy is understood as a flimsy form of communication, it can be defined as the close and the warm relationship and which in most circumstance is private and personal and belongs to an individual's deepest [...]

Oak Hill Condominiums’ Case

The report shows that the location and the style of housing in the project are the main features that attract customers and contribute to a favorable performance in the market.

Management practices and behaviors

In every organization, the major concern of the management is to coordinate the production factors in such a way that they contribute significantly in realization of the organizational goals.

The Dura Europos Synagogue

Sequential Narrative This area has murals of the Exodus, Elijah, Ezekiel, Triumph of Mordechai, and the Valley of the Dry Bones. Comparative Narratives There are paintings of the Well in the Wilderness, the Ark in [...]

Tourism, Travel and 9/11

Despite the fact that the U.S.economy was slowing in the months prior to this incident, the consequences of the terrorist act tipped the economy further into depression.

Deep Sea Volcanoes and their Effects

Deep sea volcanoes are present under deep sea ridges of the ocean floor and the above research has been based on the amount of carbon dioxide that is present in depths of four kilometers on [...]

Death Penalty and Ethics

The arguments for the capital punishment as explained earlier are also extremely weak and the practice of death penalty is morally wrong.

Classroom Management Plan and Its Importance

Although the classroom management plan includes a range of components, its development is important to reflect the teacher's priorities and actions to achieve the set goals; therefore, the plan should include the statement of the [...]

Hewlett-Packard Strategic Audit

The company is the market leader in most of the computer hardware market has rapidly grown and it edged Dell Company in the global PC market in 2006 and was able to manage the lead [...]

Sabena Belgian World Airlines

According to Odden, recruiting the right personnel for the right job is productive to the company; therefore, the highest performing organizations recruit and retain the most competent employees, as they improve organizational performance.

Why Do Students Misbehave?

Some of the themes that I was able to deduce from the highlighted causes of misbehavior among students include medical issues, the desire to seek attention, seeking power, the need to revenge on a wrong [...]

Native Land Claim in Canada

Following the resistance of the natives to the new regulations, the government of Canada embarked on vigorous reconsideration of the legal, political, and cultural aspects that governed the lives of Indians, Inuit and Metis.

Orthographic Transcription

Here, the story is told and there is certain return to the beginning of the story. This section is the end of the story and reference to the point mentioned at the start.

Men’s Fashion and Shopping Habits

Associating a brand with a powerful personality is however a strategy that has been adopted by many marketers in the past and that is why some of the major world brands like Sean John and [...]

Avatar Movie Analysis

For instance, in one of the interviews Cameron denoted that he was sure in the success of his project since he saw what characters and settings were possible to create with the help of technology: [...]

William Shakespeare

He then "started in the dubious business of money lending": reminiscent of the Merchant; Jewish moneylender and Shylock in The Merchant of Venice.

Gender-Based Inequality: Housework

After explaining the problem in question in more detail, as well as describing the significance of the study and its theoretical framework, a review of the scholarly literature pertaining to the topic of gender discrimination [...]