500 Word Essay Examples + Topic Ideas. Page 19

4,108 samples

Green Burial: What Is It?

The fact that there are numerous woodland burial sites accessible for green funerals in the United Kingdom relative to only 50 in the late 1990s, makes it a more appealing alternative for those individuals planning [...]

The Psychopathology of Bipolar Disorder

In addition to the depressive and manic episodes, patients may experience mixed episodes of the bipolar disorder, which severely distort neuropsychological coordination thus impairing cognitive functions. The two period episodes of bipolar disorder, mania and [...]

The Problem of the Whale Hunting

It should be noted that ordinary citizens can participate actively in the reduction and subsequent elimination of this trade. This way, control and a sense of direction are instilled in the whaling society.

Children Day Care Observation

The children's profile including their photos, as well as the childcare workers have been prepared and stored in a designated folder in the custody of the administration.

Camus on Philosophical Suicide

One of the thoughts that Camus laid down for his argument is the idea that once the abstract nature of the world is revealed to an individual, a person develops attitudes that are connected to [...]

Implementing an Online Course

The course layout, as well as the activity design, should enable the student to get all the appropriate information. Many online resources could be relevant to the course.

State and Church Primary Issues

Among the issues that face Church and State are separation of Church from State, secularism of the state, Disputes on symbols and mottos as well as conflicts between institutions of State and religious institutions, among [...]

Homicide in the White Community

The majority of homicide victimization of the whites is done through poison followed by arson and lastly guns. Although the majority of homicides committed are intra-racial, special focus is usually given by juries in inter-racial [...]

Consumer Confidence Index

A rise in the consumer confidence index affects the economy as consumers will be more willing to spend and invest their money, this will force manufacturers to increase their production to meet the consumer demand.

National Health Service in the UK

The provisions of public healthcare differ from one territory of the United Kingdom to the other. One reason the government has difficulties with promoting public health is that since the devolution of powers in the [...]

Budget Modeling of Abidjan Ville

Budget modeling is regarded as one of the key aspects of financial government practices, and the actual importance of proper planning is associated with the values of accurate allocation of financial resources of the city [...]

The Effects of Homelessness in Ohio

The causes of homelessness in the current Ohio include the rising costs of housing, poverty and the lack of affordable housing. There are various effects of homelessness to the community and to the homeless.

The Four Forces of Evolution

Natural selection affects variations in a population through changes that occur to the phenotypes of different organisms. Mutations can lead to changes in the phenotype of organisms.

Gasoline Disputes in US and World

In this respect, the double standards applied by the US refineries and the market rules to the quality of gasoline imported and the one produced on the territory of the USA violated the international regulations [...]

Sonic Slippage Project: Experimental Films

Though the plot of the movie is not understandable, it still attracts attention and makes the audience concentrate on making sense of the watched. Their primary function is to emphasize how the connection of sound, [...]

Headhunting Solutions Business Plan

This approach will help the firm to reduce the costs it incurs in its operations to achieve greater efficiency. The firm will also rely on word of mouth marketing and existing client referrals to market [...]

Employment Law and Management

These cases suggest that managers should know how to protect the peculiarities of labor legislation in order to protect their interests. In particular, managers should know how to protect the interests of their firms.

Judiciary Review in the United States

Judicial review could also refer to the authority that the courts have to review the constitutionality of a given statute. However there were Similarities between the Warren and Burger courts in that both were found [...]

Marketing Unpopular Products

While the companies that provide such services need to keep their sales high, it is, kind of, unethical to go their way marketing their products and therefore such marketing campaigns may bear no fruits. This [...]

HR Management: Job Evaluation System

By the use of analytical job evaluation system, managers use a pre-determined job evaluation system to determine the value and size of job. Job evaluation system is used to determine the relative importance of different [...]

Criminal Behavior: Criminology Theories

This paper draws the theories discussed herein from a radical orientation; they include radical, feminist and critical criminology theories and present principles that alter the existing and traditional views on the development of criminal behaviour [...]

Common Hallucinogens and Dissociative Drugs

Hallucinogenic drugs impede the user's brain functioning as well as the central nervous system and interfere with the user's experience of reality. The effects of psychedelic drugs often vary according to the specific drug used [...]

Full Decision of FCT vs Stone Case

In her arguments, Stone maintained that the decision by the Commissioner to make her pay her taxes was in bad faith because most of the payments she received from her winnings were gratuitous.

White Collar Crime Characteristics

It is possible to conclude that white collar offenders are usually well off and have certain status in the society. On balance, it is necessary to note that demographic and psychological characteristics of white collar [...]

Levels of Decision-Making

Organization levels that comprise of strategic, management, knowledge, and operational levels of the organization classify decision-making. Management level decision making controls the efficiency and effectiveness utilization of resources and the performance of operational units.

American Judicial System Structure

Other interesting aspects of the judiciary include the criteria followed in the selection of chief judges and the senior judges. The American Judiciary is indeed a diverse and equally challenging structure of the legal system.

Grand Canyon Geological Profile

Other forces that also contributed to the formation of the Grand Canyon are; volcanism, continental drift, some vibrations in the orbit of the earth and many others. This is what caused the layers of rocks [...]