500 Word Essay Examples + Topic Ideas. Page 25

4,108 samples

Modern Slavery and Its Emergence

The author turns to the examples of three European countries and, through the analysis, reveals the piece of the effects of the slave trade and the modernization of its forms.

Aspects of Public Health Field

Taking into account the broad and narrow definitions of public health, it is necessary to consider the changes necessary in the role, scope, and functioning of public health for meeting the existing demands on public [...]

“They Call Us Monsters” by Ben Lear

The main argument that full-fledged punishments for childhood crimes should not be part of the judicial practice is the stories of the main characters, which demonstrate the horrors of the early years experienced by teenagers.

An Ideal Gas Law Explanatory Lab

This paper considers the model of an ideal gas and its implementation on the example of an experiment on changing the volume of a gas cylinder and the corresponding dynamics of temperature and pressure.

Descriptive Epidemiology of Malaria

These variables allow epidemiologists to understand and describe the health status of a population, identify populations at increased risk of disease, characterize which months and areas have the most and least cases of the disease, [...]

Marketing Communications in IKEA

This proposal overviews relevant literature on the importance of branding for organizations and consumers and marketing communication tools and analyzes the case of Ikea. The purpose of marketing communication tools is the promotion of a [...]

Working in a Group

Another advantage is synergy creation i.e.group decisions tend to create synergy that combines and improves on the knowledge of the group to make decisions of high quality than the sum of individual decisions.

The Word “Illuminati” Definition

It is said that the word is derived from the Latin word "illuminare" which means either to enlighten or illuminate. Some people associated the word illuminati to a powerful satanic group or cult that came [...]

Global Village Concept Explained

This type of economy is also characterized by "flexible work arrangement" Culture: Global cities are multicultural, owing to among other factors, deregulation and privatization of economies that has attracted foreign workers and traders setting in [...]

Actions Speaks Louder than Words

In order to show the validity of the statement there is a need to understand what it takes to undertake each of the two actions that is carrying out the actions and speaking the words.