900 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 6

4,255 samples

Paternalist Terror in China in 1950-1953

But the multiple cases of the Chinese civilian citizens' rights violations demonstrate that the realization of the Campaign to Suppress Counterrevolutionaries and a few other campaigns by the Chinese Communist Party led to the expansion [...]

Business Plan: Repairing Old Things

The offered business idea is the possibility to provide people with an opportunity to save money, learn how to create something with their own hands, and use the products that are necessary and convenient.

The First World War History and Aspects

The U.S.did not participate in the war at first, but events such as the sinking of Lusitania, the publishing of the Zimmerman Note, and the Russian Revolution convinced the American authorities to cause the U.S.to [...]

Romantic Relationship: Human Behavior Perspectives

The cognitive perspective is related to the biological/evolutionally perspective in terms of underlining the role of nature-nurture interactions in explaining behavior; however, it is different from learning and sociocultural perspectives as the latter underscore the [...]

Career Guidance and Counseling

Additionally, significant contributions in career guidance and counseling have helped develop career guidance and counseling. Davis introduced guidance and counseling in public schools in 1907.

Bureaucracy, Class and Mao’s Continuous Revolution

In particular, the article reviews the assumption of the Chinese leadership by revolutionaries, the formation of cadre classes, the classification of Chinese people, and the entry of former leaders into the communist leadership ranks.

Behavioral Study of Obedience

Moreover, it is important to understand that the need to respect the authority is thought to every single individual from their birth and such behavior is learned from everyday situations.

Madonna’s Sustainable Success

Madonna's success and its sustainability as long as her competitive strategy are the subjects of research of several professionals from the point of view of business development. Madonna's versatility of style and image is the [...]

Emotional Effect on a Group Dynamics

Moreover, the development of innovativeness among the group requires a perspective-taking norm that is advantageous in the triumphant incorporation of information as well as increased energy and attention of the members towards the operations of [...]

What’s a Cross-Cultural Mediator to Do?

Discussing Asian negotiation styles in comparison with the American one, the researcher is willing to point out the main differences in them and provide a mediator with the recommendations that can be advantageous in practice. [...]

Child Abuse and Protective Act in Idaho

Also, abandonment is recognized in Idaho's definition of child abuse, and, according to the Act, it means the failure of the parent or the guardian to foster a normal relationship with the child.