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Effective Intelligence Assessment System

As such, the government of the United States, while fighting Balkans' organized crime, must understand that it is dealing with a very complex problem that needs dedication, time, commitment, and above all a sophisticated intelligence-gathering [...]

Racial Segregation in the Educational Context

In the article You are Either One of Us or You are Not: Racial Hierarchy and Non-Black Members of Black-Greek Letter Organizations, the authors address the problems of "racial segregation" in the educational context that [...]

The Control Function of Management

Control is geared to monitoring organizational goals while comparing them with actual performances and giving the way forward on the progress of attaining the goals. The Target operational control is geared to the regulation of [...]

Native Americans’ Burial Rituals

Additionally, the obscurity of the perspectives awaiting the dead conditioned the formation of the concept of the spiritual world and the growth of rituals used to prepare a person for his/her existence in the new [...]

Management Principles: Leadership

In these regards, the improvement of the comprehension of the main concepts of the issue becomes one of the major concerns of management as this phenomenon is closely connected with the performance and final results.

Civil Liberties vs Security

However, can these theories explain the increasing number of state terrorism, use of torture to counter terrorism, and curtailing of liberty in the name of counterintelligence? The problem man faced in the state of nature, [...]

“Gasland” a Movie by Josh Fox

It is the problem of the antagonism of the interests of industries and the nation. It is not a new conflict, but the fact that the gas industry got exempt from the duty of protecting [...]