550 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 27

18,509 samples

New-Product Pricing Strategy: Ipad

The introduction of the iPad to the market came at the backdrop of a successful launch of the iPhone. All characteristics surrounding the second generation iPad confirm the fact that it is at the introductory [...]

Implementing Leadership Change

The greater the size of the organization, the more the diverse distribution of such individual characters and the more the chances of conflict arising within the individuals and their leaders.

Inner Space Exploration Vehicles

There are three common types of underwater vehicles such as autonomous underwater vehicle, human occupied vehicles, and remotely operated vehicles. In addition, there are some human occupied vehicles that are simply used to visit life [...]

Deep Sea Mining: Salt Extraction

This therefore shows how important the process of evaporation is in regard to extraction of salt from the sea. This therefore explains that sea water is a cheap source of salt in terms of time [...]

SOFAR Effects on the Marine Life

The speed and energy of the sounds that are transmitted in the SOFAR channel are maintained without being altered because of the pressure, which increases with increase in depth.

The Dead Sea Geochemical History

Globally, the most saline location is found on the water surfaces and shores of the Dead Sea. On the other hand, the pattern of fluctuation in temperature and salinity in the Arctic Ocean is complex.

Sweden Gross Domestic Products

The increased rate of growth is the result of the increased productivity that has been experienced in the country. The labour productivity and economy productivity in general improved in Sweden more as compared to other [...]

Co-Opetition as a Business Strategy

Co-opetition is a term that refers to a business strategy whereby competitors in the same business simultaneously engage in competition and cooperation with the aim of gaining more business advantage.

The American War of Independence

The American Revolution denotes the social, political and intellectual developments in the American states, which were characterized by political upheaval and war. The move by the colonizers seemed unpopular to the colonists and a violation [...]

FedEx Company’s Customer Environment

According to Ferrell and Hartline, most of the customers use the firms services to derive a number of services in distribution of parcels, goods and in business communication with different parties in different locations, as [...]

Homeland Security Department

This article will try to respond to the question that, will the DHS combat the security threats it is facing. The research purpose is to identify the underlying challenges that the DHS will continue to [...]

Robert Wilson: Artist and His Beliefs

It is possible to say that by examining these qualities, one can better appreciate the achievements of Robert Wilson. This is one of the challenges Robert Wilson is ready to face.

Zakat Fund Growth Monitoring

In order to achieve its mission of fostering the role of Zakat among Muslims, Zakat Fund has developed an online platform, which allows users to calculate and remit payment too. The ease of payment and [...]

Global Economic Order: Losers and Winners

Globalization dictates that for any sustainable economic order to be achieved, the deregulation of major economic events is critical, such as applying uniform policies and rules in the production and distribution of products and services.

Was There an Atlantis?

The subject I decided to research for the paper is the mystery of Atlantis. It is enough to give the students a clear, detailed idea of the subject and educate them about this matter.

Globalization: Theory and Practice

Although the word global has been in existence for the last four hundred years, the term globalization is believed to have been coined in the early 1960s. In the late 19th century, advancements in freight [...]

Schizophrenia: Symptoms and Treatment

The positive symptoms of the disease incorporate hallucinations associated with hearing, illusions, and disordered language and behavior. The symptoms of schizophrenia captured in the DSM IV TR includes illusions, hallucinations, and disordered language.

“Pieces”: the Poem Explication

Moreover, the reader can understand the attitude with references to the changes in the poem's tone which is melancholic in the first lines and rather optimistic in the ending lines in order to represent my [...]

English Premier League History

Nowadays the English Premier League is considered as the powerful competitor in Europe because its clubs provide the vivid play not only in the context of the league's matches but also because the teams of [...]

The Stokeleigh Camp Earthwork Survey

Most of the archaeologists feel that the development of the Stokeleigh Camp came as a result of the discovery and the increased use of iron in England, which in turn led to enormous social changes [...]

Witness and Victim Rights

Thus, bystanders should be free to bear witness of the victimizing circumstances to enable the victims receive appropriate assistance and for the public to prevent future occurrence of the same.