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We Still Have a Lot to Learn from Marx

However, what Hitchens misses from Das Kapital is Marx's vital clarification of the social role of money and capital."The value of commodities more and more expands into an embodiment of human labour in the [...]

Growth of Modernity by Marx and Weber

Marx's theory would be correctly interpreted to mean that the working conditions experienced today is a product of the resistance that people in the industrialization era put up in order to deal with the dehumanizing [...]

Marx and the Young Hegelians

Many of the writings of the Young Hegelians focused on the refutation of religion and need to replace religion with philosophy as the moral criterion for the society and means for understanding history.

The Economic Problem for Marx

According to the theory of surplus-value, it was established that there were different classes in the society and the ruling class produced a social surplus product. Thus, according to Marx, the labor used in the [...]

WW II and Hitler’s Army

After the massive defeat and deaths of the German army in the war that took place in the eastern side, it was evident that the traditional groups of the army were no longer working as [...]

History of Hitler’s Nazi Propaganda

According to Hitler, the German's defeat in the First World War, the Bolshevik Revolution, German's post war inflation, and the economic crisis of the year 1929 were accredited to International Jewry. Over time, the masses [...]

The Rise of Hitler to Power

It was this paramilitary formed by Hitler that would cause unrest later to tarnish the name of the communists leading to distrust of communism by the Germans and on the other hand rise of popularity [...]

Frederick Douglass’s poem

Apparently, by doing it, Douglass strived to emphasize the hypocritical ways of Southern slave-owning Bible-thumpers, who used to be thoroughly comfortable with indulging in two mutually incompatible activities, at the same time treating Black slaves [...]

Why slavery is wrong

When Douglass heard this story, he got the idea of how whites manage to keep blacks in a state of ignorance so that they cannot come out of their captivity. In his book, Douglass reveals [...]

Theory Development in Nursing

This paper will consider the role of Nightingale in the formation of the nursing profession, discuss a study based on her theory, and analyze the relationship among theory, research, and practice.

Donald Trump’s Immigration Speech

The audience consisted mostly of his electorate and, judging from the reaction of the crowd observed in the video, the majority of the listeners were sympathetic with the content as they reacted positively to the [...]

Laws Regarding Vaping and E-Cigarettes

E-cigarettes and vaping pose a substantial threat to the public, making it important that the medical community educates patients dispelling common misconceptions regarding the subject, and the government takes measures to alleviate the danger.

Beethoven’s 5th Symphony

In its original sound, this part is structured and smooth, but listening to the performance of the London Classical Players, it seems that the sound is separated, the lopes of the music notes are heard.