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Two Constitutions: a Comparison

The Texas Constitution's preamble simply introduces the document" "Humbly invoking the blessing of Almighty God, the people of the State of Texas do ordain and establish this Constitution" The Texas document includes a bill of [...]

Climate Changes: Cause and Effect

This, therefore, calls for appropriate discussions on the relationship between agroforestry and the improvement of climate conditions in arid and semi-arid regions of the world Urbanization also leads to the creation of the urban microclimate.

Reform, Prosperity, and Collapse in 1980-1991

The discussion focus on exploring the reasons behind the success of Western Europe associated with embracing globalization and the collapse of Eastern Europe, predominantly the Soviet Union, linked to policy changes implemented by the government.

Anglo-Zulu 1879 War Analysis

The Zulu nation had been invaded by Voortrekkers and up to the time it was subdued by the British, it had fought numerous battles and even when the Zulu finally lost to the British, they [...]

B.Britten’s Music Impact on Composers Political Beliefs

War Requiem by Britten is a composition of great prettiness and strength; it is as well the mature production of his personalization procedure an explanation, submission, and dispute to institutions and nations dedicated to aggression. [...]

Mona Lisa Smile

The movie wanted to show the way women believed in their lives in the 1950s through a series of video footage available in the movie's DVD showing women in the fifties, statistics comparing women taking [...]

The New Hollywood Cinema Development

The changes have led to the emergence of new business models in the industry. The location of the major filmmaking companies in New York City remains a historical fact, which led to the development of [...]

Descartes Goes to Hollywood

Throughout the article, the use of cyborgs in films is used as a tool of analysis by the author. The conflict of the body and the mind is also the main theme in most cyborg [...]

Gap of Achievement: A Critique

Academics in the United States, with a strong social conscience, show deep concern for the academic plight of minority students and the widening gap between blacks and their white peers."No Child Left Behind program aims [...]