1350-Word Essay Examples. Page 16

4,220 samples

State and Local Taxation in the United States

This was the last important Supreme Court decision to strike down a state statue on the ground that the commerce clause forbids the states to levy taxes on corporations for the privilege of engaging in [...]

Hitler’s Table Talk

The involvement of priests in the affairs of the state provided important insights on some of the reasons that made Hitler to be ruthless in his table talk against Christians. As manifested in his table [...]

Copernican Model of the Solar System

Copernicus was able to prove that the sun and not the earth was the center of the solar system but held unto the assumption of circular motion. Ptolemy' model assumed that, the earth and not [...]

Types of the Information Systems

A company can use information system to gain competitive advantage via better organisation of data and its storage; for instance, data can be stored in the way that allows direct access to it from inside [...]

Binary Classification of Students

Contrary to the nominal classification system in which each and every subject student is accorded a classification depending on the scores achieved by the students under any given criteria, the binary classification pools a group [...]

NBC Television Network Analysis

It was to fulfill this by transferring more than half of the business stake to the cable provider business called the Comcast. This also affected the NBC which was forced to reduce the number of [...]

The Literature of the Renaissance Period

The main features of the Renaissance culture which also determine the elements of the Renaissance literature are the philosophy of humanism, the secular character of the art pieces, and the orientation on the antique patterns.

Samsung: Innovation in Organizations

The stress on innovation and generation of new ideas for the sake of development of new and futuristic products that are called the "wow products" became the insignia for the new strategy that Yun had [...]

iRobot Vacuum Cleaner Design

In addition, iRobot contains a wall feeler, which is located on the right area of the fender and makes iRobot travel adjacent to walls and around gadgets without touching them. Irobot fits into consumer engineering [...]

Boxing Prohibition: Main Reasons

Doctors point to the following main issues which might be used for banning boxing, "the frequency and causes of fatalities", "the incidence of brain injury", and "a comparison between the incidence of death and brain [...]

Why Employees Need Unions?

Overall, employers are opposed to unions and in some situations; many workers loose their jobs because of unionization. Unions are vital to workers' job security and in many instances; they improve the lives of the [...]

Nationalism and Changing Roles

Nationalism has various effects to the people involved and this paper looks into the effects of nationalism on the roles of the working class, women, and minorities in an effort to achieve political power through [...]

The Transfer Pricing Managing

When the new agreement is enforced, division A will report a decrease in the cost of materials by $100,000. In the new agreement, the division will have a decline in corporate tax amounting to $273,000.

Prison-Based Sex Offender Treatment Programs

The outlined research question points to the purpose of the study. The researchers compare the recidivism patterns of offenders who undergo sex offender treatment with the same patterns for offenders who do not undergo the [...]

Martha Stewart as a Business Leader

Martha Stewart has shown excellent leadership skills since establishing her business back in the 1970s and this is evidenced by the businesses' phenomenal growth from a mere catering business to a billion dollar empire encompassing [...]

The UAE’s New Emiratisation Schemes

Emiratisation is an initiative supported by the government of the United Arab Emirates to tackle the imbalance in the employment of the local population about that of expatriates.

Management Planning: BP Oil Company

The magnitude of the damage has been felt in the ecosystem and the wildlife. For example, in the US, BP oil spill brought a terrible brand to the environment and economic activities of the Gulf [...]

Recent Advances in Artificial Photosynthesis

Specifically, scientists strive to use the known and change them into "functional, efficient, synthetic systems that will tap the endless supply of energy coming from the sun".[1] Researchers believe that artificial photosynthesis can work on [...]

Microsoft SharePoint Tool

However, the introduction of Microsoft SharePoint into the sector is changing the situation. After collecting the data Microsoft SharePoint analyses the data, and share the information with the rest of them.

Student Attrition Problem

Lack of goals by the student may cause them to view their education as irrelevant and unrelated to their lives and this will result in low levels of motivation and disillusionment hence increase the chances [...]