1350-Word Essay Examples. Page 24

4,220 samples

A Raisin in the Sun by Jane G. A.

Racial discrimination is the main theme of the book, strongly reflecting the situation that prevailed during the 1950s in the United States, a time when the story's Younger family lived in Chicago's South Side ghetto.

Summary of Continuous and Stage CMMI

These levels include the initial level which entails the starting use of the process, repeatable where the process is repeated, defined and involve the definition of the process and the confirmation of the standard business [...]

Contemporary Political Culture

Despite the willingness of the poor to move away and work their way out of it, the prevailing political and social environment makes the war against the poor inevitable.

Berkley College Strategic Plan

Due to the uncertainties surrounding project implementation, the cost of the projects is often estimated at the onset of the project through identification and valuation of various constituents and resources necessary to meet the project's [...]

Skype: All you Need to Know

A number of features of Skype comprise Skype to Skype calls, SMS messaging, video calls, immediate messaging, and the capability to forward calls to cell phones of the users when the user is offline.

Water Shortages in the World

Management of water supply in developing countries is poor as compared to that of developed world. In addition, pollution of water in developing countries is quite prevalent as compared to that of developed world.

History of Old Regime

The movement towards the republic was the key goal of the people, demanding their rights and freedoms acknowledged but the direction was being constantly halted by economic domination of the ruling class in agriculture and [...]

Vietnam’s Petroleum Industry

The industry is one of the major sectors that help in the growth of the economy of Vietnam. The development of the industry would help in improvement of the welfare of the Vietnamese citizens.

Ethics in Business Statistics

Statistics is an indispensable element of the information system of a democratic society that serves the government, economics, and the society by means of collections of data about the economic, demographic, social, and environmental situation [...]

Suicide of Tyler Clementi

The actions of Ravi and Wei "gravely violated the university's standards of decency and humanity" and the efforts of the institution to encourage "civility within the social life of the campus".

Consequences of Globalization

This has been through the removal of international trade barriers that used to limit the movement of people, information, goods and services through the rapid development of innovation and the resultant technological progress. He describes [...]

Personality Analysis

When one combines the knowledge of both humanistic/existential and learning theories in understanding humans, a revelation of abroad picture of human personality and interaction with the environment is evident.

System Feedback: Loops-Palm Inc.

Both the positive and negative loops are important in the firm's process of operation. With regard to increase in demand, the firm's research and development team has to rely on market feedback.

Abolition of Slavery in Brazil

In most parts of America, the legislation to abolition slave trade was greatly opposed by big plantation owners who needed the services of slaves and knew that the legislation to end slavery was a major [...]

Japan and Imperialism 1853-1945 by James Huffman

The main topic in the reading is imperialism, which the author believes motivated Japan to economic and political development. The author applies a variety of data to present the concept of imperialism in Japan's history.

Buddhism and Hinduism

Thus it is each individuals role to return the soul but this is not possible because of the sins and impurities one becomes exposed to once living in this world and since the process of [...]

Social Performance of Gap Inc.

The stakeholders of a company are the employees, the customers, the government, the suppliers, shareholders and the public in general. Collaboration with the stakeholders has enabled the company to address issue of child labour in [...]

ICT and Free Speech

Free speech in relation to the use of ICT technologies has been a controversial topic of discussion. To ensure free speech is a right to all citizens, the government should invest in ICT infrastructures this [...]