1850-Word Essay Examples. Page 2

702 samples

Balenciaga Fashion Brand’s History

Born in a village in the Basque region of Spain in the year 1895, Balenciaga spent much of his early life with his mother who worked as a tailor. The Spanish royal family and the [...]

Sales Management Aspects

This aspect might have adverse effects on the reputation of the salesperson, and hence the performance of the organisation with regard to generating sales.

Ethical Manager

It therefore falls on company regulations and carefully formulated codes of ethics to ensure that the ethical manager can be able to restore proper business conduct in the organization.

A Local Business Issues

The business took steps to recognize its social identity development in the context of its place in the community and the steps it took to become a multicultural establishment for both employees and customers.

Oil and Gas Extraction Activities

The purpose of the current exploration is to conduct an observation of the processes occurring at an oil and gas plant, identifying the threats to safety and health hazards as well as suitable control measures [...]

Company Law Issues and Solving Them

The solution is in understanding the nature of the company. Law defines limited liability company as "a legal person with limited liability.whose statutory capital is divided into shares".'Piercing the corporate veil' is the theory that [...]

Harlem Renaissance Movement Analysis

It was around this time that they began to advocate racial equality with the Americans and with the birth of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in 1909 their struggle for the [...]

Change Plan for Gulf States Metal Inc.

One of the characteristic features of the human resource management is the pivotal role which has been given to line managers as a delivery point for a variety of employment policies that are intended to [...]

Personal Health Pyramid Plan

For a health pyramid plan, what is important to consider is to assess oneself first, know some health histories and other significant information that will be detrimental in planning to execute the health pyramid plan.

Volcanoes: Volcanic Chains and Earthquakes

The "Ring of Fire" is marked by the volcanic chains of Japan, Kamchatka, South Alaska and the Aleutian Islands, the Cascade Range of the United States and Canada, Central America, the Andes, New Zealand, Tonga, [...]

About Oedipus and Blinding Himself

In spite of the arrogance that led Oedipus to ignore the oracle and think that he could change things, Oedipus truly was a loyal king to his people and wanted the best for them.

Poverty and Its Effects on Women

As for the poverty among women, it should be emphasized that the reasons of poverty among women differ from those among men, and the issues of poverty itself are more severe.

Matters of Social Conflicts

The matter of social conflict will be argued and described from the viewpoint of its understanding, acceptance, and how these matters depend on the notions of individualism and universal truth and the inevitability of progress [...]