2500 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 12

1,523 samples

Telstra Corporation

Outline and Purpose of the report: The rationale of this report is to evaluate current and past performance strategic decisions of Telstra, to assess the competitive position, to consider the internal and external environments, and [...]

The Impact of Factory Farming

The fish population is also subject to this problem, as the long-term overcrowding may lead to the higher competition for food and result in stress and decline of the immune defense, which can cause the [...]

The Cryptocurrency Concept Analysis

The basis of cryptocurrency operations is essential codes that allow the private exchange of business. The anonymity of banks and other government organizations poses a big threat to the operation of cryptocurrencies.

HSBC: Case Study for Business Report

Further, the organization also proved that it is crucial to update new techniques and abandon the traditional; due to this, the organization has bowed to vulnerabilities of fraudulent activities that have crippled the bank's assets.

Education for Sustainability: Materials Usage

Importance of the topic Materials surround people everywhere, and it is important to learn about their properties and functions. Understanding the differences between various materials facilitates learning how to use them for certain purposes. By using materials properly, it is possible to change their properties and even save the planet from environmental pollution through recycling. […]

Tesco’s Globalisation Case Study

Strengths Brand Awareness is the key strength of Tesco; The efficient and dynamic human resources are the key assets for the company; According to the annual report 2011, Tesco offers large product lines and services [...]

The Algerian Wool Company

The region comprises of different agreements that include the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, the Egyptian Association Agreement with the EU, the Algerian Association Agreement with the EU, the Greater Arab Free Trade Area, the Bilateral FTAs of [...]