1100-Word Essay Examples. Page 11

7,104 samples

Patriarchy and Changes in 1950s

The 1950s was the period of time in which America realized the prosperity of the manufacturing of home appliances such as washing machines, vacuum cleaners, cookers, and many others. Her songs If I were a [...]

Cadbury Takeover by Kraft: Failure Analysis

The job cuts, however, were the main cause of resistance and poor work relationship between employees and the management. According to The Independent, employees were dissatisfied with how the acquisition and restructuring of the company [...]

Eliminating Ethnic and Racial Stereotypes

Racial stereotypes are a complex of the misimpression and the prejudice one group of people has against the other. He does not contradistinguish himself of the society but tries to tell people he is also [...]

Harry Houdini

The living conditions in the country were hard and the father decided to immigrate to the United States in 1876 in search of a better livelihood for the family.

The Influence of Authentic Leadership

Collaboration is still one of the foundational pillars of successful transformational and authentic leadership, and contemporary organizational leaders must be ready to overcome numerous obstacles on their way to recognition and follower commitment. That was [...]

Psychological Freedom

Wilson's experience relates to the experience of Cory and his father Troy in the play. The play exhibits determination that Troy employs as he faces numerous challenges in life that prompt him to endure and [...]

The Gelato Cheese Factory’s Case

The fact of the matter is despite the presence of an educated white majority within Heartland Corners, it is still necessary to have a certain level of employee diversity within the company so that it [...]

Accounting and Business Management

Leaders are accountable to external users of accounts who include the government for taxation purposes, shareholders, bankers, and creditors; they are willing to know the financial strength of an organization so that when making decisions [...]

Will Argentina Devalue Its Peso?

During the early 2000s, the unstable economic situation in Argentine led to the discussion of the ways to change or improve the situation in relation to forming the barriers for the external economic shocks as [...]

The Greatest Emptiness Concept in Moby Dick

This paper analyzes Moby Dick, a mysterious symbol of an embodied terror and the inevitable tragedy of humanity, discusses the main characters of the novel, and summarizes the plot of the story.

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

This essay will examine the key themes of the story and the historical context, provide a brief analysis of the main characters, and give an overall reader's opinion about the novel. The idea of friendship [...]

The Bluest Eye by Tony Morrison

Tony Morrison is the author of the novel titled The Bluest Eye, which presents an overview of an African-American girl's life and the challenges she encountered.

Attitude in the Workplace

Decision making and critical thinking was a key aspect in the determination of the plan that we would implement in order to curb the ordeal of negative attitude among members of the workforce.

Kate Chopin’s The Story of an Hour

This thought is said to be a central one for the story, and it is represented in the title. In addition to that, it is impossible to ignore the fact that The Story of an [...]

Leadership and Intuitive Decision-Making

In developing a decision, a leader has to follow the laid down procedures that guarantees correct implementation of the decision. Although training in decision-making has the capacity to build a leader's position, effective decision-making is [...]

Improper Management and Its Results

The title of the project will be "Improper Management that Results in Turnaround and Poor Morale". New leadership practices will be identified to revolutionize the nature of business management.

Microeconomics of Customer Relationships

The contentious issue of the articles is measuring the contributions that customers provide to the development of the company. In the provided article, the author explores the Net Promoter Score model of quantifying customer's contributions [...]

Schlosser’s Articles

Initiating the readers into the secrets of the fast food industry, Schlosser shows the reverse side of McDonaldization of America for the economy of the country."Workers- about half of them women, almost all of them [...]