450 Word Essay Examples + Topic Ideas. Page 9

1,169 samples

Romantic Period in Music History

The romantic period in the history of music began at the beginning of the 19th century in 1820 and lasted until the beginning of the 20th century.

The Systems Development Life Cycle

The Systems Development Life Cycle is a conceptual model for IT specialists to institutionalize system development through the conventional phases of planning for defining system development resource requirements, analysis for determining end user requirements, and [...]

Rhetorical Theory: Ideological Criticism

These include cultural studies, which of course helps in identifying the changes that take place to the meaning and application of various ideographs. These transitions also lead to changing meaning and application of the ideographs.

The Job of Police Detective

The personality of the detective relies on different types of activities that have the slightest connection to the job of the police detective itself but while studying the information the one can understand that all [...]

Different Styles in World Music

The history of Samba is the history of the confluence of the African dances, which arrived in Brazil with the slaves from the Congo and Angola, with the Spanish and Portuguese dances, brought from Europe [...]

Psychology and Overweight Relations

According to this article relying on the two reports published differently in April in Archives of Pediatrics as well as Adolescent medicine, obesity during childhood tends to advance as the child develops into an adult [...]

Cash Flow Estimation Biases

Any segmentation starts from a thorough analysis of the market conditions in which the company is working, and an evaluation of the possibilities and the threats that the company might face.

Origin of Metamorphic Rocks

Having introduced the reader to the origin of the rocks, the paper gives a further discussion on how these kinds of rocks are formed and the necessary conditions if the process of metamorphism has to [...]

Intake Report: Diversionary Strategies

The offender's grandmother provided supervision for the juvenile, as the mother worked two jobs to support the family. However, the grandmother deceased a year before the offense, and the mother does not have time to [...]

Best Buy Limited Financial Statements

This paper seeks to elaborate the uses of each of the major statements contained in the annual report. This paper seeks to elaborate the uses of each of the major statements contained in the annual [...]

Layout Strategies in the Organizations

The available space is allocated to products to ensure they are fully exposed for the customer to notice them. Warehouse layout: The main objective is to fully utilize the space available for storage and at [...]

How the 1960s Cinema Change Culture

The cinematic developments in the 1960s were a response to a changing cultural landscape, and the popular movies, administrative changes, and trends have left a mark on the next decade's culture, creating a sort of [...]

Victorian Art’s Evaluation

Critiquing the approach that Pevsner suggested to evaluate the art of the new epoch, the author touches upon the political context of Pevsner's ideas, thus revealing the correlation with Morris.

Curriculum Vitae Analysis

I seek to maintain a challenging full-time position that will offer new opportunities to improve my skills and enable me to fulfill my career objectives and in the process give me a chance to make [...]

Domestic Violence in the Lives of Women

She gives particular focus on the social and traditional aspects of the community that heavily contribute to the eruption and sustenance of violence against women in households. In the part 1 of the book, Renzetti [...]

Urinary Tract Infections and Dementia Management

Importance Reporting the History of Dementia Many patients residing in hospitals after being diagnosed with dementia are, usually, very vulnerable to other infections such as pneumonia and UTI. These illnesses take advantage of the weak immunity in the bodies of the patients since most of them are 81 years and above (Fortinash & Holoday-Worret, 2012). […]