2100-Word Essay Examples. Page 11

1,620 samples

Employment Relations in China

Moreover, it is deemed crucial to investigate issues that challenge the Chinese system of employment relations and the future of the system of employment relations in China to increase the understanding of the employment relationship [...]

Prevention & Control Of Crime

The study of crime, society's response to it, and its prevention, including examination of the environmental, hereditary, or psychological causes of crime, modes of criminal investigation and conviction, and the efficacy of punishment or correction [...]

Hollywood Ten Group

The historical background of the Hollywood ten The blacklisting of the ten professionals in the movie industry had its roots back in the years between 1930 and 1940.

Should Trials Be Televised?

In most cases, it could be seen that the rights of the defendants could be lowered, if not compromised, in the event of trial proceedings going public, since community opinion could play a major role [...]

Gendered Game Design Analysis

These features are related to all aspects of games, including the thematic content and focus, as well the kinds of strategies and computer-playing skills demanded of the players; one particularly important feature appears to be [...]

Blendworth Brand Development Strategies

The project hopes to create awareness among the consumers of the company's products, improve the company's competitive advantages, differentiate a company's product from others and create a connection between the company and the customer.

Quality in Product and Service design

On the other hand, the dimensions of quality for a service are somehow different from those of a product whereby the service quality is evaluated with regard to time taken to make the service available [...]

Public Relations Law in Australia

Defamation cases in Australia are said to be too expensive in terms of time, reputation and money. Defamation cases in Australia are said to be too expensive in terms of time, reputation and money.

Regional Strategies for Global Leadership

Companies that have realized the importance of geographical distinctions and the need to combine local strategies and initiative together with global strategies and initiatives have felt the benefits of regional strategies.

Rent Controls: Arguments For and Against

In 1975 the construction of apartments was slowing down and the landlords were outraged by the idea of the government plan to reintroduce rental controls following a spate of sharp rent increases in the country.

Welfare and Charity in Society

Even though that there is plenty of evidence as to the fact that biological factors play a very important role, within a context of defining people's social status, the very thought that citizens' racial affiliation [...]

The Role of Women in Ancient Egypt

Right to the property for married women and their right to private inheritance and inheritance of the community property belonging to the husband was an essential nature of the status of women in Ancient Egyptian [...]

A Better Life for Older Adults

The findings of the interviews with older adults were expected to illuminate the key issues that the target population is currently facing to determine the steps needed to facilitate the improvement of their life quality, [...]

UK Telecom Companies Comparison

The telecom industry is evolving at a significant pace and the companies have to keep up to remain in the market. It is possible to compare two telecom companies to understand the importance of the [...]

Volvo’s Production Model

This led to the establishment of Volvo's Uddevalla manufacturing plant where workers played a key role in the production of cars. The resulting reduction in the overall costs of production was expected to improve the [...]

“ExacTrac” Localization System

Isocenter offsets for patients treatments using BrainLAB immobilization device was of narrower range compared to isocenter offsets from patients treated using the Orfit immobilization device, and the overall isocenter offsets were more to the positive [...]

Space Exploration Problems

On the other hand, people have an opportunity to study the processes which could be useful for understanding the origins of planets, galaxies and the universe in general. BNSC reflected on the plans that UK [...]