2600 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 7

847 samples

Criminological Theories Evaluation

The cause and effects of young person offending and the state of Victoria's youth justice system have become a subject of broad debate after a series of violent cases in justice centers.

Business Ethics on the Internet

The main aim of the study is to identify the different issues in regards to the internet that raise ethical issues and the different ethical standards that might be there to act against such actions [...]

Coca-Cola in Kenya

Strategies of the company are then explained followed by the changes that are happening in the market currently and their impact on the future strategies of the company.

Nissan Company’s Constraint Management

Apart from contributing to the developing of the corporate culture, the flexible organization of the supply chain was efficient in the process of management of the major global operations through the valuing of the executive [...]

The Formation of a Contract

First of all, it is important to realise the fact that any manager should recognise the importance of the accompanying documentation as it serves as the guaranty of the preservation of his/her rights and provision [...]

Stereotypes and Realities of Japanese Yakuza

Although, there are several factors that contributed to the emergence and the predominance of the Yakuza, the economic situation was a major contributory factor since most of the groups comprised people that were involved in [...]

Cisco: Human Resource Management

The company wanted to get the best talent, motivate them, and be the industry leader. The company focused on the growth, acquisitions of other companies, and the generation of revenues.

Luxury Travel Services Marketing Plan

The marketing plan will begin with a situation analysis that will focus on the macro-environmental factors that are likely to affect the demand for luxury travel services in Dubai. In sum, the company's brand dream [...]

Pricing Policy Development

To achieve an acceptable pricing policy, it is important for the marketing team to carry out prior research in the following areas; on the mix of products they intend to offer in the market, this [...]

Kentucky Fried Chicken

Some of the factors which have contributed towards the firm's efficiency include its competence in delivering unique experience, offering the right chicken and ease of access of its products in the market.

The History of the 9/11 Decade

The U.S.economy, the military needs and strategies of the country, the oil crisis and the U.S.relations with other countries, China and the countries of the Middle East in particular, are the main themes which need [...]

Rape in Ancient Societies

As long as the fallacies of integrity and closure are upheld, a desire to penetrate becomes a desire to rape.[3] The above statement also reveals an important feature of the act of rape that it [...]

Giotto as the First Renaissance Painter

Behind Italian Renaissance was a great painter and architect, Giotto di Bondone, who existed in the 13th and 14th century."The Renaissance was a period of artistic and cultural achievement in Europe from the fourteenth to [...]

Adolf Hitler and Nationalism

The war would also bring the downfall of the old European culture of kings and noblemen and their codes of honor".[2] However, neither the number of casualties at the battlefields could reflect the actual devastation [...]

The Authorship of Hebrews

Furthermore, although Paul was familiar with the Old Testament teachings as witnessed in the case of the writer of the letter, the manner in which the teachings are quoted in Hebrews is inconsistent with Paul's [...]

Flare Fragrances Company Inc

Following the global financial crisis and its consequential recessionary economy, the marketers would find difficult situation and the marketing successes and failures would depend on the patterns of consumers' shifting behavior under the recession and [...]