550 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 26

18,509 samples

Ethnicity Problem in the USA

It is essential to admit that the idea of the superiority of the white race was established a long time ago by the American founding fathers when the Constitution, defined Africans as property.

Environmentalism as a Religion

The natural environment is the resources, the climate and all that is found on planet earth. The main goal of environmentalism is controlling the use of available resources, protection of nature and controlling the population [...]

Racial and Ethnic Inequality in the USA

According to Ethnic and Racial Minorities & Socioeconomic Status racial and ethnic inequality in the US is popular at places of work and institutions of higher learning. The article, Ethnic and Racial Minorities & Socioeconomic [...]

Nursing Expertise and Patient Outcomes

Education and expertise significantly affect nurses' clinical decisions and in turn, quality of care for patients and clinical outcomes. That is, a sound nurse education can assist in developing nursing skills and expertise through experience.

Argyle Diamonds Company Analysis

Porter's 5 Forces Model is a powerful theory that can be used to analyze the characteristics of the segment targeted by Argyle. The segment is also attractive because Argyle is one of the leading producers [...]

Facilitating Listening in the Group

To ensure the member participates in the group discussion effectively, the facilitator should develop ways through which the stubborn individual will be given the chance to speak out his feelings with an aim of assisting [...]

E-Commerce and Risky Shopping Behaviors

Although young online customers need to be at the forefront in minimizing possible risks arising from their online shopping behaviors, it is evident that more needs to be done to ensure these customers are able [...]

Political Issues of Marijuana in America

The largest demographic groups against the legalization of marijuana include the Republicans and the southerners. Most of the Democrats continue to support the legalization of marijuana in the country.

Houses Market and Ownership Transactions

From the statistics reviewed here, it was observed that distance or locality from the city center and also to a large extent size of the facility acquired largely explained the difference in pricing or the [...]

Penang Mutiara Restaurant Management System

The hotel is proactive in safeguarding assets and resources, sustaining efficiency in operations, and ensuring completeness in the management strategies. The continuum of increasing the value of quality in operation of the hotel's human resources [...]

Why do Successful Companies Fail

In the world today, there are very many companies that have become obsolete and they have shrunk their market share because many other companies have emerged thereby taking the market share that was previously occupied [...]

Intercultural Communication: Different Aspects

Discussing the main aspects of the inter-cultural communication, Carol Myers-Scotton focuses on the role of globalisation in the process, on differences between collectivistic and individualistic cultures which influence the particular features of the representatives' communication, [...]

Strategies to Combat Sexist Language

The central antidote to sexist language is the use of epicene. For instance, instead of using the word 'businessman', which conventionally refers to both men and women in business, one should use the word 'businessperson'.

Relationship with Cell Phones

Cell phones are people's new relationship because people use them to execute many of their daily activities. They have encouraged multitasking and solitude because people spend a lot of time interacting with information and communication [...]

The Male Role’ Changes

Men are raised to emulate to their fathers, who are expected to be strong and capable providers for their families. The Levant points out to the fact that men are no longer the sole breadwinners [...]