10000 Word Essay Examples + Topics for a 10000 Word Paper. Page 2

291 samples

Renewable Energy Policies in Thailand

Craddock defines renewable energy policies as "Regulations or incentives that are created to encourage the use of renewable energy, and the main purpose of these policies is to increase the production of renewable energy".

UK Beauty Industry’s Quality and Customer Loyalty

According to Reason, irrespective of the market segment that a firm serves in the beauty industry, service quality is increasingly becoming an important factor that these firms must consider when delivering their products to the [...]

Surveillance Impact on Newham Community

The primary purpose of this paper is to assess and review the impact of CCTV surveillance cameras in crime reduction and deterring the commission of the same in the London borough of Newham.

Internationalization Process in China

The restrictions in China on companies to have control over them and the liberal nature of the governments in Western countries are compared and the paternalistic nature of the administration and its interference in the [...]

Accounting Services to Sydney Students

In this business capstone project research, the topic of the provision of accounting services to university and college students by a Sydney accounting firm is chosen for discussion to understand if it is profitable for [...]

Zero Waste Fashion and Its Perception

The ingenious sales strategy of the fashion industry has a devastating impact on the environment. Mannarino explains that unlike other industries such as manufacturing and transport that have attracted the attention of the governments and [...]

The Third-Party Logistics in the UAE

The researcher used the thematic and coding method to analyze the data and the findings revealed that the scope of doing business, quality concerns, and sociocultural factors affected the rate of 3PL adoption in UAE [...]

After-Sales Services and Innovative Approaches

The approach taken in the present thesis is a qualitative assessment of existing company analysis tools and uniting the findings into one homogeneous assessment tool to identify the needs of the customers that fail to [...]

Coping With Disabled Individuals

The effect of culture, religion and society's norms on the responses and behaviour of the family members of disabled individual will be studied according to the research of different individuals who are disabled and the [...]

Volkswagen Company’s Marketing Strategy in China

The paper will specifically do an analysis of the marketing strategy of Volkswagen in China, especially during the recession in order to understand the importance of the Chinese market and the strategies to be taken [...]

Logistics and the Royal Navy of Oman

Today, the efficiency of the military forces is highly dependent on the efficiency of the logistics department. Military logistics is the planning, coordinating, directing, controlling, transporting and management of the movement and maintenance of military [...]

Reducing the Risk of Recidivism in Saudi Arabia

The proposed intervention is the implementation of the Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths, and Injuries program by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which, when applied to healthcare professionals, offers a set of tools meant [...]

Black Actors in the UK in the Edwardian Era

This situation was supported by various reports which appeared in the mass media supporting the 'underexposed' state of black British actors, the drain of talented black actors from Britain to America, lack of black stars [...]