550 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 149

18,509 samples

Promotion Plan for Sponsoring Sports Program

This promotion will enable different groups to create the teams which can participate in friendly matches and tournaments, thus, enhancing inter-community relationships and talents among the players. Such adverts will also enable sponsors to promote [...]

Life and Work of Fernando Ortiz

In fact, his criminological work with black people changed the course of his life and became the turning point for Ortiz. In the course of his life, Fernando Ortiz published multiple writings covering the important [...]

Researching Ethical Decision-Making

If I were the doctor, I would probably try to transfer the patient to a public clinic that will agree to accept her, and, if it fails, take action to perform the surgery at the [...]

IT Process at the Company “Google”

Research of the IT process at "Google" is the key idea to be considered in this paper."Google" is known for its innovative technologies, fast and straightforward search engines, software, equipment, and progressive methods of working [...]

Racism: Do We Need More Stringent Laws?

The Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice is worried that national origin discrimination in the U.S.may go undetected because victims of prejudice are unaware of their legal rights or are hesitant to complain [...]

Domestic Architecture: Interior

As a rule, the elements of the home environment and their arrangement are given enough attention only at the stage of the interior design and are quickly ignored after they become a part of the [...]

Renewable Energy Technologies

As for the construction decision and the way of harnessing the wave power, a variety of solutions has been proposed. Cheap and reliable desalinization technology such as one described in the Economist article could be [...]

A Teacher as a Legitimate Authority

This article demonstrates a problem of disrespect and abuse that teachers face daily from their students. Teachers are shown disrespect because of misunderstanding of the profession's importance, student resentment, and inability to accept the teachers' [...]

Investment Appeal of the UAE

The political structure of the state is the Federation of the Emirates. The legislative authority of the country is composed of the president, vice-president, the Federal Supreme Council, and the Council of Ministers headed by [...]

Neoliberal Homophobic Discourse

The state actors' cultural beliefs are also instrumental to countries adopting homophobic policies and language. Culturally, the citizens of these countries are homophobic, and they condemn homosexual practices.