1000 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 13

1,583 samples

Nuclear Physics: Health & Safety Aspects

The main points of the various events I attended are the following: Due to the possibly dangerous nature of some experiments appropriate peer review is an absolute necessity in terms of other people within the [...]

Testing Makeup Products on Rabbits

The use of rabbits to test the effects of body makeup harm the mental health of scientists. Despite these harmful effects of using rabbits as test animals in the screening of beauty products, experimenting chemicals [...]

HOME Inc., a Non-Profitable Organization

As per Michel, HOME's director, the organization's mission revolves around making "a positive difference" in the lives of Boston's natives, majorly the youths, by "teaching video production and media analysis" and promoting critical thinking skills [...]

Group Leadership and Problem Solving

Group leadership is an essential skill that determines the group's success by creating a relaxed atmosphere, keeping the group focused on the goal, and mitigating conflicts. As a group leader, I have the responsibility of [...]

Benefits of Inpatient Obstetric Certification

The certification displays obstetrical nurses' expertise in fetal evaluation, pregnancy problems, childbirth and delivery, recuperation, postnatal, and infant care, with an emphasis on the medical treatment of pregnant women beyond twenty weeks of pregnancy until [...]

The Cable Provider Industry’s Overview

The industry grew from providing broadcast signals to a small number of households to being the nation's leading cable provider. The number of household units has reduced because of the need to escape the monthly [...]

Hunting and Gathering

Agricultural practices were implemented 10,000 years ago, and it has since played a vital role in the replacement of hunting and the gathering as a way of livelihood. In ancient times, hunting was seen as [...]

Frida Kahlo’s Art Through a Biographical Study

In addition, she actively emphasized in the paintings that she identifies as a Mexican and is proud of her roots. In particular, she was associated with many personalities-modernists, which contributed to the development of Frida's [...]

Emirates Airline – EmQuest

Get there also permits booking of hotels and car, and ultimately the bought booking will generate a PNR, send for endorsement inside the corporation, and finally to the travel agent via a queue system that [...]

Data Ethics in Business

The ethics of data have changed recently due to the emergence of the concept of big data and the increased unintentional sharing of personal information that has been enabled by the Internet.

Keep the world secure

The problem is that many magazines and other publications normally talk of the beauty and power of the guns in defending oneself without ever talking of the many individuals that are hurt, and in most [...]