1900-Word Essay Examples. Page 14

1,677 samples

Aspects of Multiple Sclerosis

The Multiple Sclerosis Surveillance Registry is a multiple sclerosis database created by the Veterans Health Administration of the US in 2013. In this surveillance, the main platform for understanding the use of multiple sclerosis is [...]

The Ideal Sustainable City in Texas

The first goal to guide the development of the proposed hypothetical city is that of reducing poverty. The fourth to guide the development and promotion of the intended urban neighborhood is that sustainable cities.

Love Is An Art

It is obvious that the attraction between the narrators and the girls is orchestrated by love. It is a love that does not dwell on trivial shortcomings of the five girls.

Employee Engagement in Google

The proposed research will examine whether the engagement strategy motivates employees to stay longer at the company. The HR managers may be interested to know how the firm's engagement strategy addresses the diverse needs of [...]

Saudi Arabia Insurance Companies and Stocks

The insurance sector is one of the highest-ranking areas of investment in the Saudi Arabia Stock Exchange. However, compared to other emerging markets, this does not much most well-performing markets probably because of the policies [...]

Challenges in the New Product Development

One of the ways through which the product development manager can achieve this is by ensuring participation of the various functional teams in the formulation of policies, procedures and the practices to be adopted in [...]

Marketing Plan of Airline Company

Core Values: Customer satisfaction Continuous improvement of service and product quality to remain competitive Maintain the highest safety standards in operations Fere Airline's Goals: To become the airline of choice in Europe To adopt business [...]

History of Deforestation

Alternatively, they would cut vital elements of the tree in order to cause the upper part of the tree to fall off gradually. The birth of the naval store affected the pattern of deforestation in [...]

Reliability of the Bible

One of the verification explanations that have been relayed by the archaeologists is the existence of the customs that were practiced by the people in the Bible and are still being practiced to date.

The Impact of External Environment on Strategy

The business has to consider all the dimensions of the external environment such as the regulatory/legal, economic and social environment. The Competitive environment One of the biggest factors in the environment that affects the business [...]

The Influence of Social Media

The contribution of social networking in the creation of social identity has not been fully explored. The modern mobile technology has contributed to the increase in the usage of social networks.

China’s Export-Led Growth

Job Creation The export-led growth strategy led to a significant reduction in the level of unemployment in China. To begin with, the strategy limits the growth of household incomes in the country.