550 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 139

18,509 samples

ARABTEC Company Successful Changes

The company ARABTEC is one of the leading construction companies in the Middle East and North Africa. Development of joint ventures with more experienced companies can ensure the proper functioning of the company and the [...]

Breakdown of Patton’s Speech

Through sheer inspiration and superlative leadership qualities, both on the battlefield and away from it, he exhorted his troops to fight on and was able to draw the best fighting spirits and display of valor [...]

Tolerance with Other Beliefs and Values

People should live according to some rules and should value the moral rules according to which other people live. I am inclined to think that moral rules and values are mostly presented by our religion [...]

Ethics Coaching as a Teaching Process

The principles of such programs lie in the personal culture of a coach, his proficiency and desire to communicate. First, it is the psychology of enterprise and everything that belongs to it, that he should [...]

Mapping the Terrestrial Reptile Distributions in Oman and the UAE

Author(s) of journal article being reviewed: Gardner, A. S. Title of journal article being reviewed: “Mapping the terrestrial reptile distributions in Oman and the United Arab Emirates.” Year of article: 2009 Journal name: ZooKeys Volume/Page Numbers: 31/165-177 What is the research question the author(s) are trying to address? The terrestrial reptile fauna of Oman and […]

Barriers in the Canadian Trade System

The research of the problem should be started from the identification of the barriers in the Canadian trade, then analysis of existing agreements and then the correlation of problems and agreements and identifying the reasons [...]

Cultural Relativism and Subjectivism

In its turn, this implies that the carriers of particular culture must be able to operate with highly abstract categories, as it is namely such their ability that creates preconditions for the emergence of civilization [...]

Dell Company’s Management Philosophy

The erstwhile images Michael Dell and Rollins were considered to be the reasons behind the slowdown in overall operations, but it seems things have not improved too much even after the frank admission by the [...]

Working for the DreamWorks Studio

In their turn, the Public Relations Department must have the information regarding the demands of the target audience, the statistics on the rivals and their performance, the success of the company's production, the box office [...]

Walter Rauschenbusch, His Works and Beliefs

Rauschenbusch was a Christian Theologian who saw the purpose of Christianity in spreading the Kingdom of God on Earth and who believed that religion should be concerned with both the believers' spiritual and material well-being; [...]

Managing the Virtual Organisation

Most of the time, a paradigm shift involves a discontinuity in the normal order of events. The Service-Oriented Architecture is a very important technology for integration and effective interoperability in any organization.